Let’s look at the word Crisis … the implication is that it isn’t good. If something happens unexpectedly in your life and your reaction is to feel in shock, stress, fear, you might use the word crisis to describe it.
When I look back on my life, I have probably used the word crisis to describe lots of things. My car breaking down when I am travelling for work — a crisis; my toilet getting blocked and not being able to unblock it and having to wait for plumber — a crisis; the boiler breaking down and not having hot water — a crisis; people becoming ill and being rushed into hospital — a crisis!
Crisis is probably an overused word, but actually at the time of events happening if it produces a feeling of intense difficulty or even danger for us, then it probably is the correct word to use.
If we look up the meaning of the word though, it does suggest that a crisis is a time when a difficult or important decision must be made. Here is a quote which I love:
I love a good crisis. The word ‘crisis’ has a bad reputation … A crisis suggests something terrible … but really a crisis is just a point at which we change and move on.
Jimmy Carr … yes the comedian
Because when we change and move on, we are growing, we are making decisions that will improve our situation, we will make changes that will benefit us, the crisis will give us the opportunity to take a step forward and possibly lead to bigger, better, happier times.
So next time you feel you are going through a crisis, remember that going through this time will lead you to make decisions that will move you forward and not keep you stuck in difficulty or danger.