Last week I mentioned visualisation to help with motivation … visualising the feelings you have at the end of achieving something whether that be a workout, cleaning the bath room, getting the ironing done, making a tricky phone call, having a difficult conversation, making a decision … it can be anything that you might be putting off. Anything that challenges your motivation and taking action to get it done. If you visualise the good feelings, the results of finishing the task, making the
phone call, and so on. it can make such a difference to your approach to the job, your feelings about it, and ultimately getting it done.
This week I want to talk about the principle of committing to doing something. Committing to doing an exercise routine, going for a walk, meeting a friend for coffee, dealing with your accounts, cutting the lawn.
By committing to doing something you are saying you are going to do it, and this can help with motivation, particularly if you are saying it out loud to someone else, or writing it down in your journal. The principle of committing improves motivation and increases the potential to achieve.
We also have to learn to accept that there are days when we wake up and maybe don’t feel great, don’t feel like pushing ourselves, and it's important not to ignore those feelings, and lower the expectations of what you can achieve on that day.
So when committing to doing something don’t obsess about how far, how much time, how you will be able to perform … be flexible, and — 9 times out of 10 — if you have made the commitment and you make a start you will always end up exceeding your expectations.
Also if you can build a routine this is key to making it easier to commit to and perform:
- Visualisation
- Committing
- Flexibility
- Routine
Remember life is not a race, it's not about getting there first. It's about finding a way of nurturing your mind and body, so that you feel good, better and best about how you live your life.
Have a great week folks,
Jane xx