- I’m ready for a break,
- I am ready for a rest,
- I am ready to stop and take some time out,
- I am tired of performing,
- I need to opt out for a while,
- I need some time alone.
Have you ever had these thoughts, or do the words strike a chord with you? I am very confident that most of the people reading this far into the newsletter will have had these thoughts and feelings.
They could all be described as negative thoughts, because they indicate there is a problem, something is wrong. The sound of the words suggests a level of tiredness, exhaustion even. The reading of them reflects a level of stress and when anyone reaches this point, it means its time to STOP.
Sometimes stopping can be a bit scary, frightened of letting people down, or not being seen to be managing … and if you are in a work place there might be an element of peer pressure where you don’t want to appear weak or not being able to cope.
The thing is, and I know most of you will know this, if these words and statements are appearing regularly in your self-talk, then you won’t be able to operate at your best, and if you don’t take a break and reset it will lead to bigger problems, possibly burnout.
Burnout is a much greater problem than needing to take a break … so it is better to take action before reaching that point.
So let's start with a different speak:
- I want a break
- I want a rest
- I want to take some time out
- I want to just be
- I want 5 minutes away (or more)
- I want my own company
Then make a DO NOT DISTURB sign, and when any of these ‘wants’ pop into your head, say it out loud to anyone who needs to hear it — family members, work colleagues, hang the sign up and close the door.
By taking this action, you will feel better, you will be investing in yourself, and you will be able to show up at a better level … AND you will avoid the burnout.