I am celebrating the Platinum Jubilee weekend by opening my Shop … available on my website where you can purchase specific workouts, routines, and courses with a one off payment.
Follow the link here and take a look.
Obviously this weekend has been all about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, so I hope you have all been celebrating in the way that you have chosen to, even if it has just been relaxing and taking some time out.
I must admit that thinking about the Queen in her 70th year of reign, made me think about how long I have been working as a fitness coach, this being my 30th year.
I have certainly seen some changes in the industry. Fashions have come and gone, and come again … my recent purchase of flare-bottomed leggings are a sign of that. But also the different approaches to fitness in those 30 years. I used to teach a class which was called Body Max, which involved working with sets of handweights and doing lifts and moves to music. The idea behind it was to work to your maximum effort with the weight, doing sets of repetitions — I always encouraged the class
participants to have two sets of weights, so that when the fatigue came in with one set they could move to a lighter set. I always started my class with Run DMC's It's like that …. and whenever I hear that track now I can still go straight into my routine.
Health and fitness has changed, it is much more about the ‘whole’, much more about the health and wellbeing holistically, the mind, body and soul, rather than the 6-pack. It's much more about how we feel than about how we look, it's less about the lycra and more about the comfort and function. The changes are definitely for the better … I wonder what I will see in the next 30 years!!