Are you enough?
A big question, perhaps an uncomfortable question for some, but our answer actually reflects what we think, what we feel and the impact this will have on our lives.
When we are younger we often have ideas about how we want to live, what we want our future to look like, and sometimes if life doesn’t follow the path we feel it should, we can have a sense of failure, and be down on ourselves. The thing is: we might say, by the age of XXX I want to be living
in a four bedroom house, driving a Range Rover, with £XXX amount in the bank. We might even achieve all of this, but then we realise it makes no difference to how we feel, we may think well what is next, and what do I have to do to make me feel differently. So when is enough, enough? And what does ‘enough’ look like?
Well, I would like to say right now that ‘you are enough’ because we are enough for this moment in time. Wherever we may be in our life, with whatever we have, and whoever we are with, at that precise moment in time we are enough. This will change, because our lives are forever changing, and that is important to realise and to understand that
enough is now. Recognising what we are feeling right now, and the impact that has on our lives in this moment is what is important and that is always going to be enough.
So big love to everyone this week, take care and find joy in your movement.
Jane xx