In one of the sessions on my Retreat day we looked at our Life Pie, taking different areas of our life and addressing the balance and impact they
might have on our whole life.
Two of those sections are Friends and Family, and Relationships, and by looking at these sections we can take time to think about who we spend time with, who we don’t spend time with and how that impacts on us, possibly affecting other areas.
We will all have people in our life who can affect us in different ways — members of our family who we might not look forward to seeing, a colleague at work who makes us feel not good enough — but we will also have people in our life who lift our spirits, who inspire us, who make us feel joyous.
In general we want to be able to spend more time with the people who fall into the latter definitions: those are the people who cheer you on with your successes, or lift you up when things aren’t working out, who make us smile when we are
with them.
Within your circle of friends and people you spend time with here are 3 signs to look out for, that tell you to spend LESS time with them:
• You have less energy after being around them
• They are only interested in talking, not listening
• Their micro-expressions reveal their jealousy and resentment
These people will bring you down, make you feel heavy hearted, and will affect how you feel about your life.
Here are 3 signs to look out for, that tell you to spend MORE time with them:
- You start to smile and look forward to seeing
- You can’t wait to share what’s been happening and find out what’s been happening for them
- You feel they are your cheerleader and want to celebrate your successes
Your circle of friends and family should be proud of you — make them your priority and in that way you are making YOU your priority.