I know, it’s getting busier and busier isn’t it … have you finished your Christmas shopping, are you all prepared with your food
order, do you know where your relatives will be sleeping … do you have a spare room?
The bottom line is can we say No and make the right decisions for ourselves that won’t push us over our limit so we feel overwhelmed, ambushed, fatigued, taken
for granted?
Have you watched Two Doors Down? It’s a comedy on BBC2 and basically one of the central characters is Beth, who opens her doors to her neighbours no matter how horrible they are to her and how much they take her hospitality,
patience and kindness for granted. She accepts them no matter how openly critical they are of her and her food … and I find myself wanting to shout at the tv and wanting Beth to stand up and say NO …
Potentially we all have a bit of ‘Beth’ in us, accepting comments without reaction, going the extra mile for people who may not always show appreciation, and potentially we say Yes when really we want to say No. So how can we change to give ourselves permission to say no when enough is enough.
I’ve been listening to Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey. In it, he talks about a system he has of Green, Yellow and Red lights that helps him, among other things, to make decisions about things that come up in his life. The system is, when faced with a situation, an event, whatever it may be, we have to make a decision and say either Yes or
No. If the event triggers a Red light — it’s a definite No. If it triggers a Yellow light — it’s a maybe, and needs more thought. And if it triggers a Green light, then it’s a definite Yes.
So if you are already feeling under pressure, overwhelmed, stressed, and you receive more invitations, or continuously being asked to do more, think of the Green, Yellow, Red system. If the invitation triggers a Red … then it’s a definite No. Don’t overthink it — that is your answer. If it triggers Green, then Yes, yes, yes … go for it.
Don’t keep accepting more and more if it doesn’t feel right for you, don’t be put upon, don’t be taken for granted, don’t be a ‘Beth’.
Have a great week folks.
Jane xxx