There has recently been an article in The Times talking about the benefits of staying active and participating in exercise as we
It stated that NHS exercise guidelines urge adults aged 65 and over to aim for activities that improve strength, balance and flexibility on at least two days a week and if you participate in
Pilates classes you are already working on all of those elements.
In fact this week’s Exercise Of The Week includes each of these elements and is therefore a perfect example of what you can do.
The NHS also recommend 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity each week. This could be walking, cycling, swimming, activities that will raise the heart rate and get us a bit sweaty. Working on core
strength, mobility around the joints and keeping flexibility with our Pilates practise, assists with and complements these other activities.
The other area of our physical health that the NHS advise is
weightlifting. Now when we hear that, it brings to mind being in a gym, lifting bar bells and weights, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Using weights in a Pilates class will add to the benefits, and in the there are lots of workouts using Handweights that can be included in your weekly exercise routine. Weight lifting is associated with other physical improvements, including functional strength gains and improved musculoskeletal health.
This is also achieved by working on the Pilates Reformer which is all about working with resistance.
So if you are looking to increase your activity levels and wondering what to do, you don’t have to go to the gym, check out the Pilates with Props
section in the members' website, where there's a number of recorded classes with Handweights. Also the Evening Energiser Pilates programme there has 5 sessions all with weights.
exercising, investing in your health and wellbeing, and lets keep moving and feeling the benefits.