Small changes = big benefits
Over the last couple of weeks I have been feeling a bit fed up with my hair. It felt like it was always the same, I would wash it and within a day it was just back to how it was. I felt my hair was flat and
lifeless and to be honest, I felt a bit the same, flat and lifeless!
So a quick visit to the hairdressers on Friday and my hairdresser cutting a fringe into my hair, believe it or not, has made all the
difference. It’s amazing that this small change seems to have given my mood a real boost.
I don’t want to over-simplify things — but in some ways it shows that a simple, small change, can have such an effect. I suddenly felt more confident, I feel I
have more energy, my mood just feels lighter.
Now realistically it might not have anything to do with the fringe, and it might be short-lived — but in this moment it has made the difference I
It has reminded me that sometimes its the small, simple things we can change that can lead to big changes in how we feel, how we behave, our thoughts, feelings and actions.
The small things could be related to diet — deciding not to have chocolate tonight, or deciding to have porridge for breakfast instead of toast. It could be replacing that third cup of coffee today with a
cup of green tea.
The small things could be wearing something different, instead of wearing the same old top, choose something you haven’t put on for a while, perhaps a brighter colour.
The small things could be taking a different route on your daily walk.
The small things could include sitting down and writing a letter to someone, rather than emailing or messaging. Finding a nice card, or writing paper, and sending special wishes to a friend or relative.
You will be amazed at the difference this can make to how you feel.
Make a decision this week, and think about 3 small changes that you
can easily make, specially if you have been feeling a bit flat and fed up, and see how making those changes make you feel.