Following last week’s Your Whole Self, where of course I was talking about Life Pie,
I wonder if any of you decided to have a go at this and whether or not by doing the exercise of scoring the pieces of Pie you have decided there are things that you would like to change in order to feel a better balance and live a more conscious life.
I think sometimes we go along with our daily routine and we don’t really admit to knowing why we might not be feeling ok, or why we might be feeling tired, frustrated, fed up, irritable … and sometimes this can go on and on and we don’t like it, but we don’t do anything to change it. We can probably identify the why if we take some time to stop and think and looking at our Life Pie can help us to become specialists in our
own life.
Deep down we know why we might not be feeling 100%, but saying it out loud can be difficult. However, if we take some time out to look at each piece we can start to get honest with ourselves and begin to figure out what it is we need to do
to help change it.
If any of the above feels that is where you are at the moment, then why not take some time for yourself to think about 3 things you could do over the next week that will help you to feel you are moving things forward and making a
change. Perhaps you feel your health and wellbeing isn’t what you would really like it to be, and this might be adding to your feelings of frustration. You might be thinking you don’t have time to exercise, so firstly strip this back and be honest about why you feel you don’t have time. Is it because you are giving your time to others? Is it because you have been busy and got out of a routine? Is it because you have been away on holiday and now you are back your motivation has gone missing? The
end result of all or any of these things, is that you are getting frustrated because you aren’t exercising and taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally. So next week what can you do to improve this?
First, you could perhaps decide to put some time on your calendar for you to do some exercise — short bursts rather than long workouts, on specific days at specific times — commit to it and don’t cancel!
Second, if a friend is booking time
with you — why not suggest you go for a walk, rather than meet for a cuppa? You can always take a flask and sit and have a drink on your walk.
Third, maybe plan a treat for yourself at the end of the week when you have successfully reintroduced some exercise and
invested some time into your health and wellbeing.
So then, what exactly are your three things? Write them down, then be accountable to yourself!
This can be done in all areas of our Life Pie. I will be identifying and writing my 3 things down today for next week, will you?
Have a great week!
Sending love
Jane xx