Hello , Welcome to this week’s news in the JTP world.
Firstly, I just want to share this as Traudi, one of our lovely team of Coaches, who runs the classes for me at Old Woodhouse Community Hall, is walking 100 miles in October to raise money for Cancer Research. Studies show that in the UK one in two people born after
1960 will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime, so funds for research into all areas of this disease are gratefully received. If you feel able to give towards Traudi’s fundraising and want to support this research, here is the link to her Giving Page. Many
Pilates Classes Week Beginning 9 October Here’s our Face-to-Face
Class news. It's been a tricky week of managing illness in the team, so classes at our Loughborough and Rempstone venue have been affected. The rearranged dates for the classes missed are as follows: - Mary’s classes at Loughborough — Wednesday 25 October
- Jenny’s classes at Rempstone — Thursday 19 and Friday 20 October
Catchups can be arranged as normal. Coming up this week all classes
will be running (fingers crossed) except my classes on Monday 9 October at Quorn. The reason this has been changed is due to the Beer Festival being held in Quorn Village Hall over the weekend, and the venue unable to guarantee a clean, dry floor for our classes to start at 9.30am. The rearranged date is: - Jane’s classes at Quorn — Monday 30 October
All class participants for all above changes have already been messaged, however, I apologise for
the disruption to your classes and want to thank you for your understanding. Sometimes things are simply out of our control. Online Live Classes: I am taking a break from teaching Live, however, I have selected recordings and timetabled them in appropriately — all links are in the usual place on the members' jtp.zone website, under the
Matwork Classes tab.
This week I am demonstrating The Dart, which isn’t strictly an original Joseph Pilates exercise but it is a variation of the movement we get in the Swan Dive. It traditionally comes from the Pilates Reformer repertoire, and is used as a chest opening exercise,
so it has been adapted for matwork. I demonstrate alternatives to the regular prone position, so check it out and work appropriately for your body, keeping away from pain. If you have any questions about this or any of the Exercises of the Week, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
When I originally started to include this section in my weekly Newsletter I asked myself what did I mean by Your Whole Self. In my Pilates world it is about mind, body and soul, and in terms of our wellbeing it’s about how we take care of ourselves holistically,
so that we are able to do more than just function. Self care is about learning to look after ourselves as we would our family members, our best friends, our children — with love, kindness and patience. It doesn’t mean that we only care for ourselves without thinking about the impact on others, and it isn’t about being selfish. But we all know that if we feel good in ourselves, not only do we do better and kinder things for ourselves, but we do kinder, better things for others.
When we don’t feel good, we don’t have the energy to give to others, or the things we care about. Self care isn’t something that we should put off: we shouldn’t wait until we are less busy, or when we have the perfect job, or when we can fit into that pair of trousers. Because self care isn’t just for people with lots of free time, and its not about expensive treatments like massages, or expensive meals out. For me, self care is about connecting
and being present with our lives, physically and emotionally, and — even when life’s demands on our time and energy feel overwhelming — self care is about realising that we deserve a little of our time and energy for ourselves, because our needs are as important as anyone else’s.
I am currently preparing my Your Whole Self: Pilates and Wellbeing workbook, to take us through November and December as we head into what is for some a hectic time when our energy levels can drop as we head towards the winter and all that it can bring. This programme will include tips
for self care and exercises for energy boosting or distressing depending on what is appropriate. The workbook will be a guide to living a more conscious life where we can track whether we are getting enough sleep, or eating well, drinking enough water, moving our bodies, and journaling to help with our feelings. This workbook will take us into 2024 with a commitment to valuing ourselves. More information to follow about this programme for November/December, until then I
want you to think about what does Your Whole Self and Wellbeing mean to you? The basics are movement, food and nourishment for the mind and soul with rest and play, but consider the difference between what you need and what you want. Identifying what your mind, body and soul need is the key to self care and wellbeing, and I want my programme to help you develop it. Remember self care is not selfish, it is learning self-love, self-respect, self-compassion, feeling the
impact of this on our lives and wellbeing but also on the wellbeing of those around us.
Have a great, thoughtful week, keep moving, keep feeling and looking good. Jane xxx
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