It is a well known fact that nature makes us feel good. The smallest of things can make a difference to how we feel. For me, I can be sitting reading or working and — as I look out into my garden — I have a view of our bird table and seeing the birds visit and eat and refresh at the
table never fails to bring a smile to my face.
Apparently, we are all born with something called biophilia. Bio means life, and philia means friendship and affinity, and the full translation means love of life. (Information taken from Walk Yourself Happy by Julia Bradbury.)
There is a lot of reading around this subject and in summary our attraction to nature lies in the historical means of it for our lives. For
example when flowers blossom it would have meant fruit was coming so we could eat, and this would result in pleasure. (Biologist Edward O. Wilson writes about it).
Other research has shown that humans respond to fractals found in nature as never ending patterns, such as we see in clouds, seashells, tree trunks, even in our vegetables such as broccoli. Fractals are processed through our eyes and can reduce stress levels — think back to when we lived in caves and
the drawings on the walls of the cave would be reflecting fractals.
So you see we need a regular dose of what Julia Bradbury calls Vitamin N (ie, nature).
I know that if I haven’t been able to get outside for a walk or a bike ride it affects my mood — just ask Keith — and I am so much better in everything I do if I am getting my daily dose of nature.