This Newsletter will land in your Inbox on Sunday 17 December, and at the moment everything on TV is about preparing for Christmas, cooking shows, clothes to wear, gifts to buy, parties to go to, family to see, all of it giving us the ‘perfect’ ‘happy’ Christmas.
It can bring lots of pressure and stress, but I think what is important is for us to
remember what Christmas means to us as individuals.
It can be happy, it can be sad, it can be about faith, it can be about family, it can be about partying, eating, drinking. For some it can be about work — not everyone gets a holiday at Christmas.
It can be about visiting and spending time with people, or it can feel lonely and being alone.
Whatever your Christmas looks like remember these three things:
BALANCE — eat and be merry but also fit in some exercise and fresh air.
BREATHE — if it feels it’s all getting too much, take 5 minutes and focus on some mindful breathing, in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, out for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4 and repeat, to calm the mind, body and soul.
BE — be grateful, be generous, be kind, be thoughtful, but mostly just BE in the moment, and remember that the best present is being present in the here and now.
Have a wonderful time, whatever you get up to, and I will be here and waiting for you in 2024!
With love,
Jane xxxxx