As mentioned in the introduction above, November and December are fast approaching, and I think it is a good time of year to step up the taking care of self, and I am not just talking about exercise.
I think it is also about allowing ourselves to take a step back
saying no to the demands and expectations we place on ourselves sometimes.
I was reminded about this earlier in the week, after feeling a bit blah recently.
I have felt tired but not able to sleep, and generally my enthusiasm has dipped. Anyone else feeling like this?
Chatting this through with a fellow teacher we started to talk about having a sense of hibernation when it gets colder and
Now as I am not a hedgehog — these have all disappeared from the track where I walk, so I can only assume they have already gone into hibernation — I can’t really hibernate and go into hiding completely, but there are things that I can do for myself to help.
Usually I journal every day, I meditate every day — two things that I have used regularly to support me and yet I am doing them without conscious thought at the moment so the question
is are they helping me? … Well obviously not. So I am taking a step back, a short break from these two things, things that I do to push myself that suddenly aren’t serving me as they were.
They may seem small but they are taking me away from being and have become things I am doing. There are other things that I will look at over the next few weeks to ease off from myself for a bit.
If you are experiencing a time of feeling blah,
perhaps you may be able to identify some things you do regularly in your life that aren’t helping you to be, so why not start to explore putting different things in place to serve you better?
When we come out of hibernation we will start to feel renewed, with better energy, and our enthusiasm will be back, so show ourselves appreciation and gratitude now and keep supporting ourselves.
Have a great week folks, and I look forward to hearing your
hibernation stories!
Keep moving, keep looking and feeling good.
With love
Jane xx