I’ve been working on letting go of what I think I should be doing, or should be thinking, or should be feeling this week.
It’s a tricky thing because I feel like life can become all about the shoulds instead of about what is truly happening, what we are truly thinking, and what we are truly
So I have done a bit of journaling around this as part of my work in progress, and thought I would share my thoughts in case you are feeling the same.
For example, if you are feeling nervous about something — maybe there is something at work that you are having to deal with, or perhaps its a conversation you are going to have to have, or it could be a visit you are making, or something you are having to go through such as treatment for
illness. Or it could be something you're trying new for the first time, say joining a new group.
Instead of having a conversation with yourself about what you should or shouldn’t be doing or feeling, why not admit to the nerves, jot it down, and write down what it is that is making you nervous? It’s not about getting rid of the nerves, it's about being honest about feelings, thoughts, and accepting it with no judgement, and just letting it be — this is your
Then, start to jot down what you know you can do that will help with the conversation, visit, the situation — whatever it may be. This could be as simple as listening to a favourite piece of music, speaking to someone, sharing how you are feeling with someone also affected by the situation or event, asking others how they are feeling, or just smiling. Focusing on the behaviours you can control and that you are good at that will help with the experience and the feelings
you are going through.
It’s not about cancelling, or putting things off. It’s about what you can do to help make whatever it is you are facing the best possible experience for your own thoughts and emotions.
Journal about what you are actually thinking and feeling, rather than what you think you should be thinking and feeling. Then accept with no judgement, and recognise your truth.
Have a fabulous week — keep moving, looking
and feeling good.
With love
Jane xx