In my Pilates and Your Whole Self programme that I ran in the 6 weeks leading up to Christmas, we did an exercise based on a way of journaling called free writing.
The aim of this kind of journaling is to break the deadlock when we might feel stuck with our
Maybe it's a decision you are trying to make, or perhaps some thoughts are affecting your emotional health, or perhaps someone has said something to you and you aren’t quite sure about the meaning behind it so you can’t stop thinking about it. It could be anything: the difficulty being that you can’t get it out of your head, and every thought you have brings you back to it. You can’t let go, and you can’t move on, and you can’t make a decision and this is
preventing you from moving forwards.
A free writing exercise is as simple as taking some time and just sitting and writing about whatever it is that is clogging up your thoughts and feelings. There is no need for censorship or worry about grammar or spelling. It's just what it says on the can: free writing. Just let your thoughts pour out of you on to the paper — I guarantee once you start you will soon be flowing and filling the paper.
Once you
feel you have finished, then read through what you've written and potentially highlight some of the things you feel you could change in order to move forward/ Or highlight the things that you realise — once you see them in black and white — actually don’t seem so important. Just reading through what you've written can help you to understand what the problem is, and why it is keeping you stuck. Then you can think how you could work on those things to help yourself let go.
have often done this exercise myself when I’ve been experiencing this feeling of being stuck and not being able to move forwards, and it always helps me, so I hope it can help you.
If you’d like more information about this and my Pilates and Your Whole Self programme, get in touch to discover more.
Have a great week everyone. Keep moving, keep looking and feeling good.
Jane xx