As we head into September it does always feel for me like heading back to school. So my question to you this week is do you feel like you are heading back to anything in September?
I know that for some of the JTP family they have had busy summers, becoming full time carers for children, other family commitments or even holidaying and off visiting
making the most of the weather when they can, and I know that when this happens often other things such as exercise and activity take a back seat. September is a great time to get back to better balance with life, so you start caring for your physical self again.
In order to do this we can look at our ‘Life Pie’, which invites us to think about each area of our life and start to build a better balance with our whole self.
Think of our Life Pie broken down
into 8 sections — some will feel more relevant than others — the sections are:
1. Money
2. Time Out
3. Adventure
4. Relationships — Friends and Family
5. Emotional Health
6. Passion Project
7. Health and Wellness
8. Daily Routine — (for me this is Business)
At different times and seasons of the year the sections will vary in how much time they take out of your life, how you might score them, each section is scored out of
So over the summer your Adventure section, or Passion Project, or Relationships could be high scoring as you are off on holidays, full time caring for children, visiting friends and family more.
These sections cross over and affect Time Out, Emotional Health, Health and Wellness, Money and Daily Routine. Some of these sections will be low scoring as a result of the high scoring in others. Balance of life, therefore, can be out of sync which
can lead to many feelings some positive, some not so positive. For example very positive in terms of family, friends and relationships, Time Out, but perhaps not so positive is Health and Wellness for our Physical self, and even Emotional Health can be affected when we haven’t been moving our bodies, and we feel tired!
I had an email from one of the JTP family who, because she hadn’t done any classes for a while due to those summer commitments, felt embarrassed about coming
back to class, out of practice, a loss of confidence about what her body would be able to manage, and these feelings were creating a barrier to getting back to class. All feelings very common when you haven’t done something for a while.
So I want September to be all about getting back, returning to a better balance, so if your Life Pie has been heavily loaded in one section to the detriment of others then this month is a great time to focus on which parts of the Pie are going
to give you a better feeling.
When things are in balance everything starts to feel better, more manageable, we have more energy, we have better self-care, and then we feel more confident.
Take a piece of paper, draw a big circle, divide into 8 sections and name the sections as above, then sit down and score them all out of 10. Be honest about each section. Then break down what you can do to start getting back to a better
Have a great week— getting back to moving, feeling and looking good.
With love
Jane xx