Do you like change?
The word change has a lot of implications — nothing to do with politics. Some people don’t like change; they feel uncomfortable with it, they like the status quo and change can bring a whole lot of fear for some of us.
However, some people thrive on change and what it can lead to. It can be
exciting, it can move things forward, it can lead to greater creativity, and improvement.
So where do you sit with change? I think if you are feeling a bit fed up, a bit down, lacking in energy, physically and mentally, you feel a bit flat, then it's time to introduce some changes into your life. Now this can be frightening because we can get set in our ways, we get used to a regular routine, and we take comfort from keeping things the same. But if we want to change how
we are feeling, we need to change something.
It doesn’t have to be major. It can be as simple as changing the space you take when attending a class, because you know how much we love the same spot every week. Instead of going to the same Greek island on holiday, why not do some research into different places. Imagine how exciting that would be. If you are having a takeaway, instead of the usual Chicken Korma, check out something different (just not too spicy different!),
OR if you feel cross with yourself because you have been having too many takeaways, then change it and find a healthier alternative.
The thing is that trying something different or changing things could be the lift that is needed to make a difference in how we are feeling or thinking. It can be the boost that is needed that can give some clarity, make us feel lighter, brighter, excited — the point being that just sometimes stepping out of the comfort zone of our life is
what is required.
If you have been feeling a bit flat and down, why not look at what you are doing day-to-day, and what small changes you need to make or want to make in order to lift you out of the ‘funk’ you find yourself in. I love a list, so start with a list — 10 things you have enjoyed over the last 3 months, 10 things you haven’t enjoyed, then look at the 10 things you haven’t enjoyed and see if these are responsible for your cloud, and what you can do to change it and
get yourself out of the clouds and back to the blue skies above.
Make that change … you can do it, and you never know it might not be as scary as you think.
Have a great week folks — keep moving, looking and feeling good.
With love
Jane xx