Hello ,
We are starting to plan our summer and I hope you are too. To encourage this we will be sending out our summer timetable of classes shortly — further details below. There will be
four of each of our classes spread over the eight weeks of the summer break, so you needn't be too starved of our Pilates classes till the new year's classes start in September.
However, as Hathern School is having some building work done over the summer, we are unable to use the School Hall for any Summer Timetable classes, so we will be moving the Monday evening classes and the Friday evening classes into Hathern Village Hall instead. Spaces are limited in this
venue so make sure you book quickly so as not to be disappointed.
Have a great week everybody — look, move and feel fantastic.
Jane, Keith and the team xxxxx
Absolute Beginners Courses
We are hoping to put on some new matwork Absolute Beginners Courses over the Summer. These are planned to be in Rosebery Street Medical Centre on:
- Wednesdays at 9.30–10.15am
- Wednesdays at 7.00-7.45pm
We are planning free taster classes on Wednesday 6 July
at these times, and if we have sufficient interest, courses will start the week after.
If you know anyone who would like to start matwork Pilates, these Absolute Beginners Classes are the ideal way, so please let them know.
We limit our Absolute Beginners Classes to a maximum of eight participants, so the instruction you get is highly personalised and will set you up to get the absolute most out of your Pilates going
The Summer Timetable of classes we will be running from the end of the current course (16 July) through to when next year's courses start (12 September) will be winging its way to everyone who comes to classes shortly.
It will be sent to you as an email attachment.
You can print it off to keep for your records.
The Summer Timetable will be emailed to everyone on the Monthly Payment Plan initially later this week, as you have priority. Next week it will be emailed to those not on the Monthly Payment Plan.
It is simple to book your Summer Timetable classes — just reply to the email, and list your chosen classes.
Please do not return the Summer
Timetable to your class Instructor — your class Instructor cannot accept your Summer classes. Simply list your chosen classes in your email reply.
Remember when choosing your classes, that you can go to any suitable class for you (ie, you do not have to go to your usual class) over the summer. It is a great opportunity to sample other classes, and it means your Summer Holidays don't get in the way of your
A quickie this week to work on your postural muscles.
One of my passions is to keep us all upright. To enable us to do this we have to work to strengthen our upper back muscles, but also we have to open up and stretch the muscles across the chest and into our upper
One of the additional benefits is that our breathing improves. By maintaining our posture we are able to take in more oxygen, which in turn energises us. So have a go at this exercise, and try to incorporate it into your daily routine and feel the full benefits.
As with all our exercises work at the appropriate level, or within the appropriate range of movement for your body.
Feel the difference, move
differently, and look more balanced.
See the video here |
I heard a great phrase on the radio this week, spoken by a GP who was talking about treatment for mental health issues. He said that instead of asking the question what is the matter with you? when discussing mental health with a patient, he asks
what matters to you?.
This got me thinking and as a person who struggles to deal with stress, and as a worrier, I decided I would make a list of what actually matters to me!
It certainly made me start to get perspective on what is really important in my life right now and therefore where my energy should be going.
So this week my question to you all is
what matters to you? It helps to get clarity and focus but also helps to put things into perspective.
Click the Calendar to View Larger
All matwork and Reformer classes are running as planned this week, all in their correct venues, except for the Thursday evening Rempstone Village Hall classes — the Hall is used as a polling station.
Book a Catchup
If you know you will have to miss a class in your course for any reason, and
would like to book a space in another class instead, just follow the link to book it.
Simply tell us the class you will miss and —most important — please give us as many alternatives as possible. If you only give us one alternative, we cannot guarantee you will get a Catchup.
Please also let us know if you will miss your class but don't want a Catchup — the whole Catchup system relies on knowing when spaces will
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