Hello ,
We love a success story here at JTP, and one of our 1:1 studio clients has this week experienced some success.
Steve signed up for one of our Gold
packages at the beginning of July and he came to us in constant pain. His lower back is the culprit. His job as a plumber has been affected by his lower back pain and although he has had physiotherapy and osteopathic treatments, they have not been able to reduce it.
His main problem has been herniated discs, and he admitted that he had come to us as a last resort. Well I am very happy to report that this week — his 3rd of 6 sessions — following a Biomechanics
screen, I carried out some Be Activated work on his psoas and his diaphragm, and he reported a 30% reduction in his pain that night.
I am really looking forward to continuing with this work for Steve and getting an even bigger reduction in his pain over the next few weeks. I want to celebrate the fact that Steve decided to invest in himself and make some choices that could change his lifestyle… Brilliant work Steve!
a wonderful week folks, enjoy the sunshine, but most importantly — look, move and feel good!
Jane, Keith and the team xxxxx
This week I am providing not one — but two video links to show you how to work on realigning your pelvis, and then working your core muscles to stabilise the pelvis.
videos are appropriate for all levels:
Work at the appropriate level for your body, and be mindful of your movement.
Feel the difference, move differently, and look more balanced.
Two things to remember this week, particularly if we continue to have the heatwave we all seem to be enjoying at the moment.
First, drink more water!! Very important! You should increase your normal intake of water because we are losing more fluid from the
body in the heat, and if you don’t replace it you could start to feel a deterioration in your energy levels, feel weak, sick, an increase in headaches, cramps in the stomach and other parts of the body. It is easy enough — carry bottles of water with you wherever you go and then drink it throughout the day.
The second thing I want to bring to your attention is a lovely recipe I tried this week for banana ice cream. It is courtesy of James Martin the TV chef, but it
is really simple and makes a superb treat during the hotter days:
Chop up 4/5 bananas, place them on a tray and freeze them. Once frozen (about an hour), pop them in a food processor, and blend with 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla essence, 3 tablespoons of sugar or your chosen sweetener. Add 75ml of buttermilk and blend the ingredients until smooth. Add the rest of your buttermilk (another 75ml). Blend until smooth and creamy and serve at once OR return to the freezer and
have later!!
Not too unhealthy!
Click the Calendar to View Larger
We are fully into our Summer Timetable this week, so you will be going to only those classes you have booked. Please check to make sure you have booked, and you know the venue and time of your class. Remember that the Hathern Monday and
Friday evening classes are in Hathern Village Hall, as the School Hall is closed over the summer for building works.
The Summer Timetable of matwork classes leads us right through the summer till the first week of September. Remember, the summer classes have to be booked in advance. You have all been emailed the Summer Timetable, with full instructions how to book your chosen summer
Book a Catchup
If you know you will have to miss a class in your course for any reason, and
would like to book a space in another class instead, just follow the link to book it.
Simply tell us the class you will miss and —most important — please give us as many alternatives as possible. If you only give us one alternative, we cannot guarantee you will get a Catchup.
Please also let us know if you will miss your class but don't want a Catchup — the whole Catchup system relies on knowing when spaces will
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