Summer News

Published: Mon, 08/01/16

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter
Hello ,

I love to show my appreciation and this week I want to show my appreciation and my gratitude to our team of instructors, Helen, Jenny and Mary who are all doing sterling work with their classes and their studio sessions.

I particularly love it when my own clients actually ask if they can have a session with one of the team other than me. This happened recently when a couple of my one-to-one clients asked if they could have a session with Helen at the studio. Helen had covered for me with them when I was unable to do the sessions, so they had worked with her before, but I felt really pleased that they have chosen to do this again.

I don’t need proof that the girls are good, I know they are good, but it means a whole lot more when clients — who have been seeing me for years — realise how good they are and want to work with them.

Then I get emails with the following information:

Susan is doing really well, she feels 85% pain free and off her anti inflammatories and has been on the reformer and of course has fallen in love with it (haven't we all 😜) and is planning to forsake her Ragdale membership and stay with us!!!

Susan has been working with Jenny at our specialist Pilates studio in Loughborough on a one-to-one basis, has done just 5 sessions and is feeling this good. I know I go on and on about the power of Pilates, but these are the results you get if you are committed to practising your Pilates and make it a priority in your life — well done Susan for making this choice, and well done Jenny for helping her to achieve her goals.

Finally, all the class participants who have recently started with us in ABC groups, and working with Mary, have all told me how much they are enjoying the sessions and how great Mary is as a teacher.

So I am sure you can understand why I want to show my appreciation and gratitude to all my Instructors — they are doing some brilliant work, and I feel blessed that they have chosen to be part of our team…

Thank you!

Have a good week everyone — remember to look, move and feel great.

Exercise Of The Week
It's a holiday week this week for our classes so I am sending a short routine for you to practise.

Work at the appropriate level for your body and try to do it every day. It is approximately 15-20 minutes long and perfect for all levels:

Feel the difference, move differently, and look more balanced.

See the video here
Your Whole Self
I want to talk to you about balance this week.

It is very common now for wellbeing, health and fitness experts to talk about the work/life balance. When we don’t have balance in our life we very often get physical symptoms which reflect this.

So in our Pilates class all our movement is about balance, alignment, and how we feel as we move. And sometimes I am sure you have noticed, balance feels better than it does at others.

Our physical balance is affected by the balance we achieve in our life. If we have had a busy week, or our lives seem full so we have no time for ourselves, we have stress, we have too much to do, we are rushing because we have no time… All of these things are reflected in our bodies and show themselves physically.

So although it sounds clichéd, it is vital for our physical and emotional wellbeing, we look for that balance. Sometimes the scales will be tipped to one side more than the other. When this happens, take time to listen, seek out the problem, address it, make the choice and regain your balance.

The Week's Classes
 Click the Calendar to View Larger
Not many classes this week, as some of our Instructors are starting to take their well-earned summer holiday break.

Book a Catchup

If you know you will have to miss a class in your course for any reason, and would like to book a space in another class instead, just follow the link to book it.

Simply tell us the class you will miss and —most important — please give us as many alternatives as possible. If you only give us one alternative, we cannot guarantee you will get a Catchup.

Please also let us know if you will miss your class but don't want a Catchup — the whole Catchup system relies on knowing when spaces will occur.

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