Following on from a Your whole Self sent a couple of weeks ago when I was writing about acceptance, change, choices and so on, this week — as I have been talking to JTP family members in class and at the Studio — it got me thinking a lot about what stops us from making decisions.
Over the last 12 months a few of our family members have made some pretty big decisions, some about career changes, some about retiring from jobs they have been in for a long time, some about moving house and area, some about their relatives, and it got me thinking about what drives us to make decisions.
Often, we make decisions based on fear — fear of change, fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of the consequences (often
unknown, but imagined — the whole basis of fear), and when we make decisions based on fear, all that happens is the status quo.
Nothing changes, it stays the same — so if we are unhappy in a job, the fear of the consequences of moving into a different job keeps us in the same place. The problem with this is that this decision also keeps us feeling unhappy.
However, lets turn things around — what if we made decisions based on
courage instead of fear?
This would mean taking us out of our comfort zone of feeling unhappy, unloved, unfulfilled — because as negative as these words sound, it is a comfort zone for a lot of people. It doesn’t sound like a very good place to be, but some people can be scared to leave it.
Think about the difference making decisions based on courage could mean — taking a risk, taking a leap of faith, facing new and
possibly exciting adventures, meeting new people, discovery, learning, developing, progressing, fulfilment, enthusiasm, energy, a new lease of life.
Now doesn’t that sound like a more exciting, positive place to be? Obviously, some people out there might be thinking what if it fails? Well the answer for me is in the what if...
If you don’t have the courage to try you will never know — and what ifs stay with
you for the rest of your life.
Have the courage, make the decision, and step out of your comfort zone.