This week I have been mostly thinking along these lines — classy, sassy and a little smart assy.
I have been doing some work on my mindset, because I felt that in order to be of my best, to do my best for all our JTP family, along with my team and also my
own family — I needed to ‘walk the walk’.
I am here to help people, but in order to be able to do this, I have to invest in my own health and as I am a big advocate of the physical and emotional link for health, I knew that I was falling short in one area. My physical health is great, I exercise, I eat healthily following my 80/20 rule — 80% healthy/20% treat, but I recognised I needed help with the emotional. Stress was causing me problems, so I made the choice and
started to work with Philippa Burnett, from Mindset Performance Academy for the East Midlands.
Some of you may remember Philippa, as she came and delivered a Mindset Workshop for us in January this year. She has made such a difference to me and how I have been feeling and dealing with my emotional health. One of the great things she made me do was list my wants, and don’t wants, for the Mind, Body and Soul — I have made it sound easy, but trust me it wasn’t.
It has made me focus on what is important to me in life and what I want to achieve. Once I completed my lists several words kept appearing in my wants — strong, sassy, peace, joy, love, humour and passion. These are becoming my intentions — my intentions are to stay strong, stay smart by keep learning and developing, teach with passion and humour, love what I do, find joy and peace in my life.
Take some time and start to think about
your wants, and don’t wants, for your Mind, Body and Soul and see what starts to shine through for you this week.