Be The Best You You Can Be - In Seven Days

Published: Thu, 12/15/16

Be The Best You You Can Be — in Seven Days

Hello !

​​​​​​​I mentioned in the this week's Newsletter on Monday that I was launching my Be The Best You You Can Be — In Seven Days special programme very soon. It all starts on Saturday to be precise, and gives you a full week of recipes, exercise workouts, tips and tricks — all before the BIG Day itself.

But to be on my Be The Best You You Can Be — In Seven Days special programme you need to have registered on the programme before Saturday, or you will miss the first day's worth of information you need, and you won't get the full Seven Day opportunity to Be The Best You You Can Be by Christmas. That's why I'm sending you this email now — just a quick reminder that if you do want to join me, please do it as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. It only costs £15, which means I know that lots of the JTP Family will be wanting to join, but spaces unfortunately have to be limited. So please don't miss out.

Over the last year or so, I have been bringing the JTP Family a six-week Countdown to Christmas programme, and lots of you have enjoyed those programmes. But the feedback I received most from those who joined me is that six weeks is a very long time to keep the impetus going. And I agree!

My Be The Best You You Can Be — In Seven Days special programme on the other hand is simply ideal — because it's not a long-winded, hard work, slog of a fitness regime. Instead, it's just a quick seven day blast in the run up of the last week to Christmas itself, to give yourself the headstart you need to get through the festive fun feeling absolutely great throughout. Only a few minutes a day of workouts will get you fighting fit, and the recipes I include will give your body the nutrition it needs to combat the fatigue we often feel at this time of the year as Christmas approaches, as well as getting rid of all those nasty toxins that seem to drag us down. When we reach Christmas Day — you will feel great!

Be your own Christmas Star! Beat the Christmas Stuffing! Be The Best You You Can Be — in Seven Days! I can't wait to see you there.

Tom Kulzer

Remember! Be The Best You You Can Be by joining my seven day programme now. You won't regret it, and you'll be in the best position possible to Beat the Bloat over Christmas, and come out the other end feeling simply great in the New Year.

Jane xx
