Last week I talked about sharing and the benefits of this to our wellbeing — because it stops us from suppressing our emotions, which could lead to depression. So sharing is definitely a healthy choice.
Other ways of investing in our emotional health and wellbeing is by
meditating which can really help to combat stress. I believe that meditation is very much like Pilates exercise in that you have to practise consistently to make it work and feel the full benefits.
And just as I practise my Pilates daily, I also practise my meditation daily. I don’t play music when I meditate, but I also don’t like complete silence — music distracts me and silence allows my head to get full of thoughts that I am trying to switch off from.
With this dilemma I started to think about where I feel totally relaxed and where I feel I can switch off my brain. For me this was easy — I feel totally relaxed when I am by the sea, and this is where I can switch off my mind. So I listen to the sound of the sea — I have a two minute recording of the sea, I find a quiet spot, I sit comfortably, feet flat on the floor, I rest my hands in my lap and close my eyes, then I start to listen to the sea and I start to
focus on my breathing.
It may not sound like very much, but for me I am practising my meditation, and it is definitely working. It relaxes my mind, it switches it off, albeit briefly, but this is enough to set me up for the day, and sometimes if I have had a challenging day I also repeat it in the evening.
Find your sound — the sound that allows you to start to relax and find the off switch for your mind — and choose to invest this time
into your emotional health and wellbeing.