Is the Sun Out Yet?

Published: Mon, 02/20/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter
If you are having difficulty making some big decisions in your life, or you feel stuck, not knowing how or what you need to do to change things, this is exactly how I was feeling approximately 6 months ago. I felt a bit lost, I didn’t feel sure about anything I was doing and whether it was right for me and my family, I felt heavy of heart and mind and body, and life felt challenging and difficult. So I decided to seek out help.
I knew Philippa Burnett, who is the East Midlands Mindset Performance Academy Coach, as a fellow Pilates Teacher, but also she had run a free Mindset Workshop for our JTP family earlier last year.

So after attending the workshop with Philippa I knew that this was where I needed help. I felt I had some barriers to break down, and I needed to find some clarity in what I wanted to do and how I was going to do it.

I signed up with Philippa in July for an initial mindset programme, but decided to continue with her from November as I was making so many breakthroughs with my mindset. Philippa has helped me find my real purpose, she has helped me rediscover a lightness and simplicity of mind and body, and I now have a plan of action that brings me some clarity to my life.

If any of this is sounding familiar to you and what is happening in your life right now, then Philippa is running a workshop at her studio in Newark on Friday 24th February, and there are still some spaces, so this could be your opportunity to elevate your life, all you have to do is commit to the time and book your space. I cannot recommend this enough. Details are attached to this email.
Have a fantastic week folks — keep looking, moving and feeling great.

Exercise Of The Week
This week's Exercise of the Week shows the correct way to perform a push up and then bring it into a roll down sequence. This sequence will give you strength, mobility and stretch — 3 of the key principles of Pilates practice.

The sequence will strengthen your shoulders, arms and wrists, as well as chest and core — when performed correctly — so please check you are recruiting your deep stabilising muscles throughout your practice.

I show this exercise with modifications for those with issues in the hands and wrists, but also if you have issues in the knees and find it a problem to weight bear through the knees. Please ensure you work at the appropriate level for your body.

Feel the difference, move differently, and look more balanced.

See the video here
Your Whole Self
I am currently working on my mindset, as you'll have read above, and with your permission I'd like to share some of the things I have been working on with you.

One of the key things in mindset is to know what you want in your life — in simple terms... what your ideal day would be. Here's a short exercise to show you what I mean.

Imagine that money is no object, and there are no restrictions and no boundaries — then take a piece of paper and start to list what your ideal day looks like. It may not be complicated, it could be something as simple as what food you like to eat, or more complicated such as living by the sea.

Whatever it is, be true to yourself when you start writing. There should be no ifs or buts when you start to put down those things that come from the heart and soul that would make your day ‘ideal’.

Once you start to think about this and look at your list, some of those things start to look simple and achievable, so then you can start to put into operation ways of moving you closer to your ‘ideal’ day. Some of the things may be long term, some may be short term, but the key to this is isolating those small steps that you can take immediately. This means you feel you are taking action and making your ideal day become your reality. For example, one of my things is to eat more healthily, so a small step for me would be booking some time into my diary when I will batch cook meals to freeze — so that during a busy week I just have to pull something out of the freezer and I know it is healthy. So a better way of organising my eating habits is a relatively simple way of moving me towards achieving one of those intentions I have made to make my day more ideal.

More complicated could be my dream of us living by the sea — but a small step in that direction would be having our house valued, so we know how much we might be able to spend on a house based at the seaside if we decided to move!

Whatever steps we make, they are steps to make us feel happier, and steps to take towards achieving our purpose in life.

Give this a try, and see how it starts to make you feel.
The Week's Classes
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Classes are starting to get going again this week. Monday 20 February sees all of the day's matwork classes running. The East Leake Absolute Beginners class is on Wednesday 22 February at its usual 9.30am time. Finally on Saturday 25 February, the 9.30am matwork class in Quorn Village Hall is on, as is the Saturday Reformer class.

All classes — matwork and Reformer — are back fully operational week beginning 27 February.

Book a Catchup

If you know you will have to miss a class in your course for any reason, and would like to book a space in another class instead, just follow the link to book it. Our Glamourous Assistant Karen runs the Catchups system, and this link is the quickest, most direct means (it's even faster than emailing her!) of letting Karen know.

Simply tell us the class you will miss and — most important — please give us as many alternatives as possible. If you only give us one alternative, we cannot guarantee you will get a Catchup.

Please also let us know if you will miss your class but don't want a Catchup — the whole Catchup system relies on knowing when spaces will occur.

Finally, please don't just tell your class Pilates Coach you will be missing a class, as your Coach is not aware of Catchups spaces and has no means of registering your space. Karen needs to know, and the link here (it's also at the bottom of our website too) is the best way to let Karen know.

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