Bank Holiday Newsletter

Published: Mon, 05/29/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter
Bank Holiday Monday — how have you been spending yours?

I have done a little bit of work, I have done some exercise for myself, and I have watched a soppy, chic-flick movie. I have also managed to meet up with my sister and share a cuppa and have a catch up.

So all-in-all it's been a pretty good Bank Holiday for me. I hope yours has been too.
Have a great week, keep looking, moving and feeling good.

Jane, Keith and the team xxx
Exercise Of The Week
As the only classes running this week are the two Thursday evening classes at Rempstone (replacement for the last polling day in May) and my Saturday morning class at Quorn, I am sending you a complete routine for you to do over the half-term week..

I filmed this when I took some time off last year, so it makes sense to do it when it is a holiday week.

Work at the appropriate level for your body, if you have any issues with your lower back, always work with one foot in contact with the floor, and enjoy.

If you are new to us and have just started an Absolute Beginners class then watch the video and look at trying some of the exercises, but check you are recruiting your deep abdominals and — important — always keep one foot in contact with the floor.

Feel the difference, move differently, and look more balanced.

See the video here
Your Whole Self
This week’s Your Whole Self inspiration below comes from our very own Jenny, and I couldn’t have put it better myself.
The Week's Classes
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It's half-term so generally all classes are taking the week off. However, there are classes in Rempstone Village Hall on Thursday evening (to make up for the classes lost when the Hall was used as a Polling Station for the May election). Also the Saturday morning class in Quorn Village Hall runs on 3 June.

Note, Rempstone Village Hall is being used again as a Polling Station on 8 June for the General Election, so there will be no Thursday evening classes next week. There will be a replacment class in July in lieu.

Book a Catchup

If you know you will have to miss a class in your course for any reason, and would like to book a space in another class instead, just follow the link to book it. Our Glamourous Assistant Karen runs the Catchups system, and this link is the quickest, most direct means (it's even faster than emailing her!) of letting Karen know.

Simply tell us the class you will miss and — most important — please give us as many alternatives as possible. If you only give us one alternative, we cannot guarantee you will get a Catchup.

Please also let us know if you will miss your class but don't want a Catchup — the whole Catchup system relies on knowing when spaces will occur.

Finally, please don't just tell your class Pilates Coach you will be missing a class, as your Coach is not aware of Catchups spaces and has no means of registering your space. Karen needs to know, and the link here (it's also at the bottom of our website too) is the best way to let Karen know.

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