Losing Your Identity

Published: Mon, 09/18/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter
Woohoo, back in my fitness gear and out of my wardrobe dilemma as I look forward to getting back to my JTP family this week following my Jury Service.

I just want to say a big thank you to the team who did a marvellous job of covering my classes and my studio sessions for me. It's very reassuring to know that I work with such a reliable and supportive group of people. Plus thank you to everyone who has taken the time to email me to compliment the team who have done the cover, we fully appreciate this feedback and the constructive way it is presented to us, so thank you!

I’m glad everyone is getting back into the routine of classes, I know there has been a bit of movement from class to class, and we do try our best to fit everyone into a class that fits in with their lifestyle. Occasionally there may be a waiting list for some of our classes, but rest assured that if you are added to a waiting list we do follow up when spaces become available.
Have a fantastic week folks — keep looking, moving and feeling great.

Exercise Of The Week
The key thing with any joint when suffering with discomfort, pain, and stiffness, is to try to maintain mobility within a comfortable range of movement. So this week I am focusing on the mobility of the knee joint, and maintaining some strength of the muscles which feed into the joint and the muscles responsible for stability and movement.

Following on from last week, I continue with an exercise for both pre-op and post-op knee issues. If you have experienced a knee replacement this exercise is aimed at starting to strengthen the quadriceps (front of the thigh) but also to work on the mobility of the knee joint. This version is a Pilates Prep exercise, so suitable for pre-op and up to 6 weeks post op.  

As strength is gained and mobility improves when practising at this level, you can perform the exercise either at the same level without the prop between the knees, or from a floating position as demonstrated in the video. Eventually a full Single Leg Stretch is achieved which provides an increasing range of movement and length of lever. This is also a safe and suitable exercise for those who have arthritis in the knee joint, and also anyone with cartilage problems, if you are experiencing pain and discomfort at the moment. Maintain a neutral pelvis throughout the practice, and aim for a full range of movement whilst keeping the ball (or cushion) secure.

This exercise can also be performed from a seated position on a dining room chair — when performing in this position please ensure both feet are able to stay flat on the ground as you are still, before performing the movement.

Feel the difference, move differently, and look more balanced.

See the video here
Your Whole Self
Are your clothes part of your identity? Do your clothes choices reflect how you are feeling, or your personality? 

Shortly after I gave birth to my son, when I have to confess I was feeling emotional, unfit, out of shape, and pretty unhappy, I lived in a maternity frock which was navy blue with white spots. It was huge, and basically hid everything that was going on underneath it — both emotionally and physically!

It wasn’t until I had a visit from my Health Visitor one day when I opened my door dressed in my navy dress with white spots, and she said “Right then Jane, firstly let's have a good cry, and secondly let's find you some different clothes and get rid of that dress!”, that I recognised how much the dress was a reflection of exactly how I was feeling, but was also adding to those feelings because of its size and shape. 

For the last 24 years my daily wear has been fitness gear. Other than when on holiday when the clothes choices are still pretty casual, or when I am going out-out when it is more specific dressing up, I pretty much know what I will pull on every day. I might add a splash of colour, particularly if the weather is a bit dull and dreary. Or I might wear something a bit looser if I feel I have been over-indulging in the cake and chocolate! But basically my fitness gear reflects who I am, what I do, and how I am feeling.  So you can imagine my dilemma while I have been on jury service for two weeks! My fitness gear wouldn’t have been seen as appropriate in court, so finding clothes from day-to-day has been a challenge.

First day of jury service I focused on being smart and a little bit formal, but this felt so uncomfortable all day because of all the sitting, and also cold as the air conditioning was constantly on. I also felt unnatural, and it didn’t seem to be me somehow! So, second day I copied other people and chose a more casual option of jeans, smart-ish t-shirt and two layers of jumpers, and although I still felt a bit uncomfortable, it was a little less formal. Over the two weeks I tried a variety of different trousers and tops, jackets, coats, scarves, but I never really felt that I nailed it with my wardrobe choices.  So here was my identity crisis, I was out of my comfort zone, I was feeling pretty anxious about the jury service particularly when chosen for a case, and I felt my clothes were reflecting and adding to my anxiety.  

I suppose our clothes choices are a reflection of us and what we do and how we feel. Just as actors playing a part on stage will have a costume, Morris dancers will have their specific clothes to wear, Equestrian riders will have a specific code of dress, as do cyclists and other athletes. When you start to think about wardrobe, apart from the obvious uniformed options, all of us will choose a specific way to dress which reflects us and our personality in some way. Even our choices can have an affect on our mood — how many of you would choose a favourite scarf, or jumper, or pair of shoes to enhance our feelings either to be brave, to feel happier, to feel comforted, and if you haven’t ever done it, then maybe now is the time to think about it and try it.

Let your clothes reflect who you are, who you want to be, and how you want to feel.
The Week's Classes
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As this week is the first of essentially a two-week break for many classes, the only classes running are the Wednesday 15 February Absolute Beginners Class in Rosebery Street Medical Centre at 7pm, and the two early morning Reformer classes on Thursday 16 February.

Book a Catchup

If you know you will have to miss a class in your course for any reason, and would like to book a space in another class instead, just follow the link to book it. Our Glamourous Assistant Karen runs the Catchups system, and this link is the quickest, most direct means (it's even faster than emailing her!) of letting Karen know.

Simply tell us the class you will miss and — most important — please give us as many alternatives as possible. If you only give us one alternative, we cannot guarantee you will get a Catchup.

Please also let us know if you will miss your class but don't want a Catchup — the whole Catchup system relies on knowing when spaces will occur.

Finally, please don't just tell your class Pilates Coach you will be missing a class, as your Coach is not aware of Catchups spaces and has no means of registering your space. Karen needs to know, and the link here (it's also at the bottom of our website too) is the best way to let Karen know.

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