Most of you will no doubt be aware of a major change that's taking place shortly in the data protection field. The General Data Protection Regulation is a new legislation (well, not quite new — it was actually introduced in 2016 in pre-legal form), and on 25 May this year it becomes a legal requirement, so all companies that hold data about customers and clients must comply with it.
What the GDPR does initially is
decree that everyone can easily see what data a company holds on them, have it corrected, have it deleted, or have the right to object to it. All companies have to have a system for all this in place by 25 May.
Another requirement is that nobody should be added to a mailing list unless they actually opt-in to the mailing list (ie, it is illegal for a company to add someone to an email or postal mailing list, unless consent is
given). Obviously this is to prevent junk mail and spam.
As a company we've always followed these practices, long before the GDPR. The only personal data we hold of all our clients is on the pre-exercise health questionnaire we ask everyone to complete prior to exercising with us, and we hold this on file while you stay with us for your Pilates — we've always needed this for insurance purposes so you simply can't do Pilates with us unless you complete it.
Also, our Newsletter mailing list (ie, the mailing list that sends out this very Newsletter you are reading now) is only joined when you complete your email details in the box at the top of the website — in other words, you have opted-in to the Newsletter.
Nevertheless, as the 25 May GDPR deadline approaches we are aware that we need to make some slight changes...
In essence, before GDPR takes effect, we need your agreement to allow us
to hold your data. All this means is that everyone who does Pilates with us will be asked to complete a brand-new pre-exercise health questionnaire. The new questionnaire has a statement regarding GDPR, your data and how it is used, as well as your rights and your ability to correct or delete that data.
The new pre-exercise health questionnaire will be available straight after Easter, from the week beginning 9 April. Your class Coach will bring the questionnaires to
class, for everyone to complete. We ask for your patience in completing the questionnaire. It will only take a few minutes to do, it ensures that we have the most up-to-date information about you, and — above all — means that you know we have complied fully with the GDPR. Thanks for your co-operation.