When life throws you a curve ball…
Life seems to be ticking along, your family seem to be healthy, happy and living their lives, your work is good, you spend time with friends, you go to the theatre and the cinema, life seems pretty good … then you are thrown a
bit of a ‘curve ball’.
Something unexpected, something out of the blue, something that was happening which you weren’t aware of, something you have no control over, something that has an impact on your life.
We still have to carry on with our lives though don’t we? We have to continue to deal with the day to day routines, but on top of this we also have to deal with our own reaction to the curve ball itself and that can be energy
draining, sometimes debilitating.
I think while trying to deal with the curve ball, in whatever shape and form it takes, and the impact that may have, there are a few things for me that are crucial to our own wellbeing.
Firstly — keep communication going, share and talk to friends, other family members, colleagues, people you feel you can trust.
Secondly — take one day at a time, sometimes one hour
at a time, one step at a time.
Thirdly — there are always people who want to give you advice, whether you want it or not, but everything you do needs to feel right for you at that particular time.
Finally — don’t be rushed by others who are well-meaning, they cannot possibly know how you are feeling.