Lots of news this week — even though we have no timetabled classes. First, apologies to everyone who come to our Monday morning classes in Quorn Village Hall — last Monday, Helen the class Coach got to the Hall and found the heating was broken, so had to cancel the three Monday morning classes instantly. Obviously this was totally out of our control, however — as in accordance with our class timetable policy (see the link to our matwork class
timetable below) — class participants will not miss out, and we will put a replacement class on for you. We'll notify particpants shortly, when we can arrange this with Quorn Council.
Second, please remember our Office is on an extended break if you get in touch with us during October. You will get a reply in due course, but it might not be straight away.
Third, we have several new Absolute Beginners Courses in planning, all in Loughborough,
starting on these days/times/dates: - Wednesdays 11.30am, starting 7 November
- Thursdays 8pm, starting 8 November
- Saturdays 9.30am, starting 27 October.
Spaces are already going fast, so if you would like to start doing Pilates in the absolutely best possible way before you join one of our regular classes, reply to this Newsletter and we'll get you booked in. If you know anybody else who might be interested in starting Pilates with us, please feel free to
let them know.
Our last news is that we have a new event — Mindful Movement, Coffee & Cake — happening on Saturday 27 October, from 10.30am to 12.30pm in Rosebery Street Medical Centre. The first hour will be a Mindful Movement class with Jane, which will be based around connecting our mind and body, focusing on breath, releasing tension, and being conscious with our movement. The second hour will be for refreshments: coffee, cake and a general time to chat
and catch up with Jane and fellow classmates. This event will be free to everyone who currently attends classes or sessions at the studio. If you don't currently attend classes but subscribe to this newsletter and would like to attend the event, we would ask for a small donation of £5. You don't have to do the class, you can come for the coffee, cake and chat, or you can do the class on its own — it's entirely up to you, and we ask just one thing .... you register your interest by replying to
this Newsletter. Spaces in the class are limited.
Have a great week folks — keep looking, moving and feeling good.
Jane, Keith and the team
We might be on our half-term break, but that's no excuse not to do your Pilates...
Here is a complete class for you to do at home. It's one of my recent Quorn Village Hall Saturday morning classes which all of you can do so that you don't miss
out on your Pilates over the break. Enjoy!
Please work at your own level and stay away from pain.
Feel the difference, move differently, and look more balanced.
See the video here |
Stop what you may ask?
Well I am going to share something that I am learning at the moment, and one of the key things which has made an
impact on my thinking is the acronym STOP.
S — Stop what you are doing
T — Take a breath
O — Observe what you are feeling, thinking, doing
P — Proceed
At a time when I am focusing on some self
care, I feel that the meaning behind this is perfect. So often we are operating on automatic pilot with life, for example how many of you have just got into your car and — without really thinking about the journey — you arrive at your destination feeling as if you can’t remember the route because you have made that journey so many times before? I know I have done this on many occasion.
Plus so often we are reacting to stuff — we react to a conversation, or we react
to what we believe is happening — instead of taking time to think before we respond. I know that on occasions I would have felt so much better about situations and handled them better if I had just stopped, taken a breath and thought about how I was feeling before responding.
It also ties in brilliantly with my post from last week about Purpose, and being conscious with our movement. If we all start to STOP, take a pause in your life, breathe, recognise how we feel
at that moment and what our thoughts are, then we can proceed in a more meaningful, mindful way.
Click or Tap Below to View Interactable Calendar
It's the first week of our half-term break, so there are literally no classes — as you'll see above. As always though, you can step through the intereactive Calendar week-by-week and view each week's classes going
Enjoy the break!
Book a Catchup/Missing Class
If you know you will have to miss a class in your course for any reason, want to let us know or would like to book a
space in another class instead, just follow the link to register it. Our Glamourous Assistant Karen runs the Catchups system, and this link is the quickest, most direct means (it's even faster than emailing her!) of letting Karen and your class Coach know.
Simply tell us the class you will miss and — most important if you want to book a Catchup — please give us as many alternatives as possible. If you only
give us one alternative, we cannot guarantee you will get a Catchup.
Please let us know if you will miss your class but don't want a Catchup — the whole Catchups system relies on knowing when spaces will occur.
Finally, please don't just tell your class class Coach you will be missing a class, as your Coach is not aware of Catchups spaces and has no means of
registering your space. Karen needs to know, and the link here (it's also at the bottom of our website too) is the best and fastest way to let Karen know.
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