Hi everyone
I am asking a favour. l am looking for 4/5 people to volunteer for a practice morning for one of my student teachers. She has never experienced standing in front of a group of people to teach or
deliver any kind of training before, but she has always attended Pilates and started her study with me this year as she wants to bring Pilates into her work.
Ideally I would like two hours of your time from 10am-12 midday, on Wednesday 21st November, and the training will be held in the back room at Rosebery Street Medical Centre in Loughborough.
It would be really useful on that day for you to be able to give some feedback. And
to make sure you know what you are volunteering for, it would not be like attending a class, as there will be repetitions so that she can practise her teaching/communication skills, techniques, and give her some confidence about standing and delivering a Pilates session to real people.
We will plan a break in the middle of the morning with refreshments, so that we can take some time out to chat and that would be a good opportunity to discuss what you feel as
I do hope that you will be able to offer your time, and I would like you to reply directly to this email.
Many thanks in anticipation of your response.
Jane xx