It's C-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s! It’s arrived, so — first off — all I want to do is wish you all a very Happy Christmas.
It seems like it's rushed towards us, faster and faster, doesn't it? And now here we are, perched on this precipice of Christmas Eve, ready to go into Christmas Day once more. I hope you have a brilliant Christmas, filled with family, friends, fun, and most of all happiness and love. We take only a couple of weeks break from classes this year (rather than the usual three), and all classes return week beginning 7 January. So we'll see you again then.
Time to Celebrate
The JTP team got together on Friday evening for a Christmas meal, and it was an opportunity to say thank you to Helen as she hangs up her Pilates Coaching boots. It feels like the end of an era for me as I have known Helen for nearly 20 years, and it was Pilates that brought us together. I was teaching at the Leisure Centre and Helen started to come to my classes. Needless to say we hit it off straight away, and very quickly I recognised that she would make a perfect Pilates Coach. The rest
they say is history, and I am thankful that we became and have remained good friends. On behalf of the JTP family I would like to wish Helen every success with her new career, and we know it isn’t goodbye, it’s au revoir.
Just a couple of other things to mention. First, our problems with getting our emails through to some of you persist. We know that our emails are going into some people's Junk Mail or Spam folders, but there is nothing we can do about it as it's an email service provider issue at the recipient end. We are receiving your emails to us, but you might not be receiving ours to you.
Second — and related — we've had particular problems reaching some people whose classes are being closed as of the end of December. Please read on if this affects you...
So please — if you are in one of the classes affected by closures — and you don't think you have heard from us regarding the options you have to join another class, we have indeed emailed you on at least two occasions so our emails are most likely going into your Junk Mail or Spam folder. Please check there to find them. Alternatively please do contact us directly — just reply to this Newsletter to get information about which classes you can move into. We will be trying to contact everyone
we haven't already heard from again later this week, and we will try to do this by text message rather than emails, so hopefully — one way or another — we'll be able to fit everyone into their chosen classes when we return in January.