I have also decided not to provide a Your Whole Self this week …..
APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!
Of course I am giving some thoughts for your whole self, and here it is.
I want to focus on fun and laughter this week. When we feel like we are going through challenging times, joy can be difficult to find. I am going to quote Joseph Pilates:
Perfect balance of body and mind, is that quality in civilized man, which not only gives him superiority over the savage and animal kingdom, but furnishes him with all the physical and mental powers that are indispensable for attaining the goal of Mankind — HEALTH AND HAPPINESS.
So in order for us to find that perfect balance of body and mind we need to ensure that not only are we exercising to keep our physical wellbeing, but we need to find balance in our emotional wellbeing which should include happiness.
Happiness is a very individual feeling. We can have extrinsic triggers like watching a comedy programme on TV, or seeing something funny … you only have to look at social media to see films of animals doing funny things which make us laugh. But we can also have intrinsic triggers which reminds us of happy times. Food can often do this, it can bring back a memory of a time of happiness, or visiting somewhere, or being by the seaside. Or attending one of my Pilates classes, because we laugh …
a lot!
It isn’t always about laughing and trying to find happiness, often happiness finds us by the choices we make, by the friends we keep, by the lifestyle we lead. It can be a deep feeling, a glow, a lightness within us.
I hope that this week, the first week of April that you all find or have some happiness deep within your soul.