How fabulous that some of you could join me on Saturday morning for an added bonus free class. It was aimed to give you some of my favourite moves — the Pilates exercises which my body needs that I love to use and that make me feel great when I have done them. It was quite hard for me to keep it to a single hour …. so I will definitely do this again and I hope you will feel able to join me again, for chapter 2.
Plus some of you then stayed on and became the ‘bodies’ for some of my learner Pilates Coaches to practise with. I really appreciate this, and I know that the girls found it really useful. I have emailed everyone personally who did this to say thank you, and show my appreciation.
Looking forward to getting back to our full timetable this week and bringing you some more fabulous Pilates classes.
Have a great week folks — keep moving, looking, and feeling good.
Jane, Keith and the team xx
This week we are heading back into class so I thought I would use this space in my Newsletter to give you some very specific work to do on the feet.
We tend to forget our feet and yet they do a really good job every single day to help us to balance and move and absorb the shock and impact that we put our bodies through.
All you will need is a tennis ball, a small towel, and either a yoga block or a very large encyclopedia … actually, I’m not sure they still exist, but a very big, thick book.
Pay particular attention to the stretches of the lower leg, around the ankle and the calf area, and when you do this part of the routine keep both legs straight and keep your weight evenly through both legs.
If you suffer with mobility issues in the foot and ankle, or you have suffered with plantar fasciatis or tendonitis, some of these movements will be really helpful.
As with every Exercise Of The Week, work at a level that is appropriate for your body and keep away from pain.
Feel the difference, move differently, and look more balanced.
See the video here |
Do you read self-help books? I do … or rather I buy them …. I am a bit like a magpie for this kind of media. I do love bookshops so whenever I am shopping I will find myself in a book shop and you will find me in 3 main areas — autobiographies, girlie chick-lit, and self-help. So I always
read the chick-lit because it is generally easy to read, escapism, and they are great to help me get to sleep at night. The autobiographies are great on holiday, when you have free time during the day and can lose yourself in a book. Particularly when it is telling the life story of someone you admire, or who is in the public eye, or someone who you can resonate with.
However — the self help books … When is a good time to read them? And can we ever read them cover to cover? I can’t. I have a collection of them at my bedside and I will dip in and out of them. One of the problems I find is that they are often telling us stuff we know already, but we just aren’t doing. They can be a little bit “preachy” and can make us feel like we aren’t ever going to be good enough or perfect enough. Or what they are telling us to do seems impossible within the lifestyle
we lead. And sometimes — and this will probably make me seem a bit unpopular — I just don’t believe enough. Sometimes I can show all the gratitude in the world but it doesn’t seem to bring about the magic that the books tell us it will. I suppose they aim to provide us with guidance to a better life, a happier life, a more fulfilled life.
I’m not sure I will ever fully read all the self-help books I have, but I probably will continue to dip into them, and I am more than likely going to add to my collection the next time I find myself in Waterstones … other good book shops are available … So have a good week folks, and my latest dip has given me this quote:
In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents.
Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen.
William S. Burroughs (1914-1997) Writer and Poet
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All classes — matwork and Reformer — are running as planned this week, all in their correct venues, at the correct days and times.
Book a Catchup/Missing Class
If you know you will have to miss a class in your course for any reason, want to let us know or would like to book a
space in another class instead, just follow the link to register it. Our Glamourous Assistant Karen runs the Catchups system, and this link is the quickest, most direct means (it's even faster than emailing her!) of letting Karen and your class Coach know.
Simply tell us the class you will miss and — most important if you want to book a Catchup — please give us as many alternatives as possible. If you only
give us one alternative, we cannot guarantee you will get a Catchup.
Please let us know if you will miss your class but don't want a Catchup — the whole Catchups system relies on knowing when spaces will occur.
Finally, please don't just tell your class class Coach you will be missing a class, as your Coach is not aware of Catchups spaces and has no means of
registering your space. Karen needs to know, and the link here (it's also at the bottom of our website too) is the best and fastest way to let Karen know.
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