So it's holiday time for us at the moment, and it feels a bit messy as we seem to have had back-to-back holidays: Easter, followed rapidly by two Bank Holiday Mondays and half-terms.
Unfortunately, holidays bunched like this are totally out of our control, so we just have to make the very best of it we can. Making sure all classes have an equeal number of classes throughout the year is actually quite a major headache for us. We do what we can.
We are of course taking this week off fully due to half-term for the schools, and next week is a Catchup week for those classes that have had to be rearranged due to venue availability issues, and Coach absence. Plus next week we are having a Coach development week, where some of the team have chosen to do some Professional Development training. The aim is always to be the best we can be, because when we aim to be more, we can give you more.
However, for me personally I am ready for the break. It's been a big year for us here at JTP. We have had a couple of changes in the team, we have had sickness and health issues, and I have genuinely found that it has pushed me to my limit. I know that I haven’t been myself in some of my classes as I have felt completely drained.
I often talk about us having an invisible bucket which is constantly emptied or filled, depending on what others say or do to us. When our bucket is full we should feel great, but when it's empty we feel awful. If we also think about us having an invisible ‘dipper’ which we use to fill other people’s buckets by the things we say or do to increase their positive emotions, when we do this we are also filling our own bucket. If we use the dipper to dip from others' buckets by saying or doing
things that decrease their positive emotions, we are also emptying our own bucket. This is why every time someone dips from our bucket, it hurts us.
Every moment of every day we do have a choice — we can either dip into our buckets and add to others’ and our own, or we can dip into their buckets and empty both theirs and ours. This choice can really influence our life, whether it be relationships, productivity, and even health and happiness.
Make a choice to use your dipper to fill others' buckets.