Come and Join Us
It's January and — as usual at this time of year — we welcome an influx of new Pilates participants, looking to reap the benefits of flexibility, mobility, strength, reduced aches and pains that Pilates offers. We have a few ways you can join us if you would like to take up Pilates with us...
Absolute Beginners Workshops
First, we have Absolute Beginners Workshops starting soon in our Loughborough Studio, on Tuesday mornings. These are the ideal way to get started in Pilates — a three-weekly, hour-long session for a maximum of only 4/5 people. As sessions are so small, you will get an exremely good grounding in the Pilates basics, in an ideal environment with one of our Beginners Specialist Pilates Coaches. Once the three week Absolute Beginners Workshop has ended you will be at the stage where you can join
one of regular mixed-level classes around the area.
Beginners Matwork Classes
If you can't join one of our Absolute Beginners Workshops, next best method of starting Pilates is in our regular Thursday 6pm class in Rosebery Street Medical Centre, Loughborough. This is a low-level Beginners Pilates matwork class you can join for say a term, picking up the basics as you go along, before moving to one of our mixed level classes around the area when you feel ready for the challenge.
Beginners Reformer Classes
Our Reformer room at our Loughborough Studio is home to four superb Reformers, and it's here where our micro-group Reformer classes run. Because we have only four machines, classes are highly tailored to suit class participants, and we believe you will simply not get a better Reformer Pilates experience in a class anywhere.
We will be running Beginners Reformer classes on Tuesday mornings: initially at 7.30am, and 8.45am, starting in January. Free Taster classes are available. You don't need to have done matwork Pilates first either — our Beginners Reformer classes are for newcomers and experienced alike.
So what's a Reformer? The Reformer was originally invented by Joseph Pilates around a hundred years ago, and though modern machines are very much better than his first Reformers, the principles are the same as they always were. Note: the Reformer came first, and all of Joseph's Pilates exercises were devised on the Reformer long before they were adapted for matwork class use. That's why our Beginners Reformer classes are suitable for people who have never done Pilates before, as well as
people who have already matwork Pilates experience but who may have never heard or seen a Reformer before. There's more i
nformation about Reformers, and our Reformer classes, on our website here.
What if you've done some Pilates already?
Finally, if you already have some Pilates experience, and would like to join one of our regular matwork or Reformer classes,
just go to our website here and look under the
Classes tab, where you will see them all listed.
And that's all there is to it. Just reply to this Newsletter if you want further details of any of these ways to join us, or to book yourself a space. We are so looking forward to welcoming you to Pilates with us and hopefully to you joining the JTP family.
Remember — Pilates can, and will, change your life. Welcome to a new you!