I've been thinking about luck, and what it means to us. Looked at starkly, luck is simply a constructed concept to describe the human condition. It's by no means scientific, but we say someone is lucky if everything appears to be going their way. If someone has lots of
money; if someone has a great job; if someone appears extremely happy — just a few examples — we might say they are lucky.
On the other hand, if someone has a car that's always breaking down; if someone loses their job; if someone has a serious illness — we might say they are unlucky.
It's almost as if how lucky someone is decides how good their life is.
Conversely, does that mean we can determine our lives by wishing luck onto someone? Obviously it's not that simple, but — yes, wishing luck onto someone else can perhaps change that person's outlook in even a tiny way, which in turn improves their performance.
For example, the simple term — Good Luck — can be a really positive thing. Sometimes we have self-doubts. Sometimes we wonder if we are doing the right thing. But someone telling you to have — Good Luck — definitely gives a warm feeling. It's a connection — from feeling alone, to feeling cared for. And it might just make all the difference to how your day goes.
We should all do it.
By sending good luck messages with wishes of luck and words of encouragement, you might be able to drive someone's fears away and put them at peace. Good luck wishes can boost the confidence of someone to believe in their own skills and their capacities to reach their goal.
One simple message of good luck might even snowball and bring about a sea-change in the thoughts of a person and might motivate them to do great things — break World Records, pass their exams, start a new job, move to a new house. Or they might just feel that someone cares and has their interests at heart.
So, it only remains for me to say — Good Luck everyone with your week ahead!