Yes today is my 60th birthday and maybe I am not spending it in quite the same way as I had anticipated …. more of that later. It is also INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY ….. so let’s just celebrate women and how amazing they are.
We have an Absolute Beginners Workshop due to start on Tuesday 17th March, 10.30-11.30am at our First Class Pilates studio in Loughborough and is an intensive 3 week programme designed to introduce you to Pilates. We aim to give you the skills that will enable you to join one of our mixed level classes. Not only are they small groups (maximum of 4 people) so individual attention is the priority, but participants receive an accompanying training manual and weekly video links to support the
learning and practice. If you know of anyone OR if you are thinking of starting Pilates just reply to this newsletter for further details.
If you are short of time but want to get your body moving this routine will do just that for you. This can be done every day, and will show your body some gratitude for all it does for you.
As with every EOTW work at an appropriate level for your body and keep away from pain.
Never quite sure how much to share with you folks, but the last 3 weeks have been difficult and I am not sure how I would have got through them without the support of my family and friends. I have always been fiercely independent but I have learnt to accept help when it is offered and have been and am very grateful for it.
As I mentioned earlier it is my birthday today and Keith and I had made plans to celebrate in the lead up to today and beyond, but as you all know this changed three weeks ago when Keith became seriously ill.
As I write this I am hoping that we are beginning to see a small step towards getting Keith well again, but what I have learnt is not to jump ahead too quickly, as things can change in the blink of an eye.
What this last few weeks has shown me is how important it is not to put things off. Do not hesitate, don’t have the conversation in your head which might deter you from doing stuff and making a change. What you might think is important in the great scheme of things actually probably isn’t, but what is important is spending time with the people you love, creating memories and doing the things that make your heart sing.
Have a great week folks, keep looking, moving and feeling good.
Jane, Keith and the team xxx