Well last week didn’t quite
work out as originally planned.
On Monday Keith was taken ill and I had to rush him to A&E LRI, and the long story cut very short, he has been diagnosed with pancreatitis and is pretty poorly with it. Eventually at 10.30pm on Monday he was admitted to Leicester General where he remains.
For those who have been with us for a while, this is a return of pancreatitis as he was very ill with it some 6 years ago, ending up with a gall bladder removal which was supposed to resolve it … at the moment the Doctors don’t really know what the cause is this time.
Anyway I am there daily, and Mary, Martha and Tom (Keith’s children) are also there to keep an eye on him.
As you can imagine this has had quite an impact and I may have to do some changing regarding my classes, for which I apologise in advance if this affects you. If you attend my classes at HATHERN then unfortunately classes scheduled for next week - Monday 24th February and Friday 28th February have had to be cancelled and we will reschedule these as soon as we can. If you have booked catch up classes on those dates please contact Karen with alternatives. We have already sent emails and
texts to confirm this, so I would ask that you keep an eye open for emails or phone messages/texts over the next two weeks.
Have a great week folks, keep looking, moving and feeling good.
Jane, Keith and the team xx
Just in case you have had a week experiencing stress, anxiety and overwhelm here are two exercise sequences.
The second sequence is all about taking some time to practise diaphragmatic breathing which helps to change the focus and release tension. As with every Exercise Of The Week, work appropriately for your body and keep away from pain. View the exercise by clicking or tapping here.
Feel the difference, move differently, and look more balanced.
Do you trust in the universe? We do tend to hear this in self-help circles … trust in the universe, whatever it may be showing you right now. And certainly a meeting I had last week is a clear example of trusting that there is something better round the corner.
I met with a woman who had gone through life-changing surgery last year which had come out of the blue and this had made her take time out of work. In this time she had looked at her life and made some big decisions that could change her life completely. She had realised she was working in a highly stressful job that was creating health issues both physically and mentally and basically making her unhappy. She wanted to talk to me about becoming a Pilates teacher and setting herself up in a
studio, and has asked me to help her achieve this. This excites me, because I could see how much she wanted this, and I know if she takes that leap of faith that this will enrich her life. I want to help her dream become her reality, I want to help her discover her potential and passion, and through this she will be doing the best work of her life.
I think we should trust in something, whether we call it the universe or our faith, sometimes it can be the thing that saves us from a life of verging on joy and happiness, to actually achieving it.
Click or Tap Below to View Interactive Calendar Online
This week although there isn't a full timetable, a few classes are running making up for cancelled or rescheduled sessions, so please check so you don't miss out. Also please don’t forget that there are no classes at Hathern on 24th and 28th February as originally planned. Given the circumstances regarding Jane's classes please keep checking your email or mobile phones for any messages.
Book a Catchup/Missing Class
If you know you will have to miss a class in your course for any reason, want to let us know or would like to book a space in another class instead, just
follow the link to register it. Our Glamourous Assistant Karen runs the Catchups system, and this link is the quickest, most direct means (it's even faster than emailing her!) of letting Karen and your class Coach know.
Simply tell us the class you will miss and — most important if you want to book a Catchup — please give us as many alternatives as possible. If you only give us one alternative, we cannot
guarantee you will get a Catchup.
Please let us know if you will miss your class but don't want a Catchup — the whole Catchups system relies on knowing when spaces will occur.
Finally, please don't just tell your class class Coach you will be missing a class, as your Coach is not aware of Catchups spaces and has no means of registering your space. Karen needs to know, and the link here (it's also at the bottom of our website too) is the best and fastest way to let Karen know.
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