I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and staying home wherever you can… this is difficult for those who are still working as key workers or in front line services and to those of you still going out there day in day out, I applaud you and want you to know how much you are appreciated and respected for everything you are doing.
From 1st May, unless you have requested a complete cancellation of payment, all Monthly Payment Plans will be £10 per household. This will enable me to continue to provide Pilates classes to you during these challenging times. We have taken this decision, because not everybody can afford the full payment and we would not feel right in taking it. As kind as it is of those of you offering to continue to pay the full amount and as humbled as we are by this, we feel that given the current
situation where we do not have a cut off time for the ‘shut down’ of services, taking the full amount wouldn't feel right for us. The £10 payment will cover access to as many online live classes as you like, and all recordings of those classes. As from 1st May only those on the Monthly Payment Plan will have this access.
If you are NOT on the Monthly Payment Plan and would like online access to classes, please reply to this Newlsetter for details.
Class links will be made available via the Facebook group page JTP Zone which will become a private group for those paying. If you are not on Facebook, and you don’t want to be, we can provide you with secure access to those links via email, so PLEASE LET US KNOW if this applies to you. Some of the classes will be live in Zoom and some will be live in the Facebook group, followed by recordings of all sessions to be repeated whenever you wish and at a time convenient for you.
Please see below the timetable of classes:
MONDAY - LUNCHTIME Facebook Live JTP Zone 12.30pm 45 mins
THURSDAY - EARLY EVENING Facebook Live JTP Zone 6.00pm 45 mins
Exercise Of The Week
I added this routine to the JTP Zone Facebook group page during my ‘week off’ to help to work on the posterior chain of muscles in your body, and wanted to make it accessible to everyone this week, as it particularly fits in with YOUR WHOLE SELF (see below).
As with every Exercise Of The Week, work at an appropriate level for your body and keep away from pain.
Question: What has a bottom at the top?
Answer: your legs.
In life we tend to use our bottoms a lot. Unfortunately, and especially at the moment, I have been using it mostly for sitting on. The gluteals are some of the biggest muscles in the body and, being on top of the legs, are also surrounded by other big muscles. This arrangement gives us significant strength in the lower body, a strength that is meant to be exercised and needs to be exercised otherwise it gets lazy. There are many ways in which we can do this, and participating in the online
workouts being provided is a great way to do so. However one of the other ways, which almost everyone can do, is to go for a walk.
I talk a lot about walking in my instagram stories and I have spoken about it often in this Newsletter and undoubtedly will again. This will hopefully impress upon you just how important I believe walking to be. It is not just good for physical health but mental health as well. I have a wonderful story from a member of the JTP family about how important walking became for their mental health, when they were struggling with everything they had to deal with in life. It provides
physical movement thereby working your muscles, but more importantly it provides space for your mind, taking in your surroundings, your environment, the sound of the birds … because they are still singing … and feeling the fresh air on your skin.
Currently the weather looks favourable for the coming week so it will be a perfect time to get up and go. Remember if you are able to head out for a daily walk, keep safe and stay at least 2 meters away from anyone you see. If you are in self-isolation but have a garden make it part of your routine to do several circuits a day.
Most of us have time, so let's spend the time creating space for ourselves to move and work on our mindfulness.
Keep you and your loved ones safe...
With much love
Jane x