Very happy to announce that the website is now ready for use, and will now be the holding place for the links to live Zoom classes and recordings of all the classes throughout the week.
Only those who have a paid subscription to our classes will have access to the website which is username and password protected.
If you are not currently a paid subscriber but want to get access to our online Pilates classes (£10 a month, on our Monthly Payment Plan), then just hit Return and ask us for more information.
If you are on Facebook, you will have access to the JTP Zone Facebook group page, which is a private group where the Live Facebook online classes are available, plus the links to Live Zoom classes, and also recordings of all online classes .
If you are not on Facebook then please do not worry, as some of you will have already been receiving emails from us, providing you with usernames and passwords to make sure you can get full access to the website and view classes from there. If you haven’t received
an email, please firstly check your spam and junk mailboxes to see if it has landed in there. If you still cannot find it then please text or phone us. It might just be that your email is coming soon.
If you are new to Zoom remember that we have information available on our main website here to help you use it and connect. There’s also some general tips there to help your internet connection perform at its best.
I recognise that some of you will not be able to join the Live online classes which is why I am recording all sessions and making them available to you so you are able to schedule them in to suit your own timetable. Particularly those who are working remotely, or involved in home-schooling or have a carers role in the home. I really want to try and keep
everyone moving in the best possible way, and make it as accessible as possible.
Apart from the regular, weekly classes (see the timetables in the JTP Zone Facebook group page, and on the website) I will also be dropping in with some pop-up classes, using small equipment such as foam rollers, soft balls, bands and so on, so if you do have your
own equipment look out for these sessions. And of course there are also tutorials to help with specific areas of movement — see the shoulder modifications already available.
Enjoy the online classes everyone… It’s taken us an awful lot of work to put them on for you all, and we hope you’ll take full advantage of them.
Exercise Of The Week
Here I show a progression from single leg lifts into a full toe tap performance which will challenge your deep abdominal muscles. It is all about the foundations of stabilisation of the body and working and strengthening the muscles that support the back. Plus I go into the shoulder bridge for mobility of the spine, with a little challenge at the top as I do
some single heel lifts. These two exercises provide some foundation work to enable development and progression. Here is the link to the video.
Please work at the appropriate level for your body, and keep away from pain.
Well I have had a funny old week within our ‘lockdown’ situation, and interestingly enough the more people I have been able to chat to — remotely of course — it would seem I am not on my own.
It has reminded me of when I was a little girl when as a family we went away on holiday to a caravan. On first arriving I was always quite excited and it felt quite a novel way to be living. Crossing fields to get to the toilet, and the washing facilities, and just opening the door every morning and seeing the people in the neighbouring caravan sitting
outside and cooking breakfast over a little camping fire from a gas canister.
But this last week has felt like about day 5 in that caravan when it is raining outside, so heavily that Mum and Dad have decided we aren’t going anywhere, but have to find some ways of amusing ourselves within a small, enclosed space. The novelty has worn off, and I’m fed up with trailing across the fields to the toilet, specially in the rain, and hopefully
Mum won’t notice if I don’t have a wash today!!!
So there are a couple of things I have started to think about to help get over this hump in lockdown…
- Firstly, gratitude … I know this can sound like a cliche, but actually I currently have a lot of things to feel grateful for — Keith being at home, being able to teach my classes to all of you lovely people, being healthy and safe in our home. But it could be just small things, like being able to see the sunshine, having time to make a cake for the first time in ages, or just being able to connect with your family and friends for a chat
- Communicate — by phone and actually speak with someone — family or friends. One of my friends sent a picture of her pet to her granddaughter and asked her to make up a story about her pet
- If you are on your own in the house, then websites and the internet do have information available that could help to keep your spirits lifted. is a website that will show you a photo of something beautiful with an uplifting thought for the day
- If you are sharing your house with other family members — I know that some of you have children back from University — and living back in close quarters can be challenging at this time of lockdown. Small things that you can normally overlook can become magnified and irritating. So walk away, breathe and change the language from accusing to a conciliatory approach
- Get your body moving — Pilates, dancing, walking, gardening — put your favourite music on and have a dance around the kitchen … no-one is watching!
- Take charge of the day, get up, shower, get dressed — wear some of your favourite clothes, wear make up if you normally would — it gives some structure to your day and can act as motivation to get on with things.
So have a good week folks — stay home, stay safe, and keep your loved ones close.
With much love
Jane xx