Decision, decisions, decisions … my head feels full at the moment given the latest news regarding lifting of lockdown. I feel uneasy about the whole thing, not just for classes and getting back in the studio, but also personally. I feel like I have lost a bit of confidence in lockdown.
I feel nervous about seeing people, I feel nervous about going back out into the world, and I have to confess to feeling nervous about standing in front of a group of people again.
I have been discussing this with a few of my friends who also share these thoughts … it feels a bit like when I was younger (many years ago … so I am impressed I can even remember this!) and I was moving to a new school. Nervous about being in new surroundings, an environment that I don’t know … and with all the stipulations of being able to return to group activity the environment is going to feel different.
So I suppose I am nervous about change, and this is why my confidence is affected because everything will be different and new. It won’t be how it used to be, my comfort zone will have changed, and I have allowed doubt to infect my brain. Will I be able to cope? Well that is something I have to work on and think about.
I would be really interested to hear if any of you are feeling the same, because I know I am not alone in feeling this way. Let me know how returning to ‘normal life’ is affecting you.
Have a good week folks — stay safe and do what feels right for you.
Jane xx