Let’s have a look at Mindfulness … and because this is something that I want to know more about I have asked Wendy Gamble to help out here.
Wendy has been attending my Pilates classes for many, many years, and — if you attended our Wellbeing day at the start of 2020 — Wendy ran a session for us at the end of the day. Here is a little background about Wendy:
Short Bio
Wendy Gamble has had a long career in healthcare, being a nurse by background, and for the past 30 years plus has worked in clinical research. She has practised mindfulness meditation for many years and in 2018 completed a teacher training course in this subject and now is involved in the delivery of teaching sessions, mainly to healthcare professionals and
volunteers, within healthcare settings.
Wendy’s particular area of interest is mindfulness and the menopause and also mindfulness in palliative and end of life care.
Here is some information from Wendy herself, about what Mindfulness offers:
Mindfulness is different things to different people, each person will have their own interpretation of it and everyone will practise differently but one thing is for sure, and that is that everyone can practise it, it’s simple, not to be over-complicated or intellectualised, an everyday activity that we can all do if we choose to.
Most of us don’t live in the present, we are usually either in the past or the future, our minds are restless and our attention is hijacked by our restless mind and constant train of thoughts. So we tend to live in our heads rather than our bodies, we live an un-mindful life, often in automatic pilot mode, which leads to us feeling dissatisfied, unfulfilled and not enjoying life in the present moment because we’re busy worrying about what’s past and what
we’re doing next.
Mindfulness and meditation is about turning this around, it’s learning to pay attention to what’s going on in the here and now and exploring how we might use mindfulness to improve our physical and mental wellbeing by adapting our mindset and encouraging kindness and compassion to ourselves and others.
The great news is that Wendy has agreed to run a short course online for members of the
jtp.zone and we will be holding a taster introductory session in a couple of weeks' time — on Friday 31 July — followed by a 5-week Mindful Meditation course.
More details to follow about this, but this will be an additional programme to the online timetable, so please register your interest here, by replying to this Newsletter (please remember to include your mobile number).
If this interests you and you aren’t currently a member of the
jtp.zone, again, please reply to this Newsletter (
along with your mobile number) to find out how to connect with this specific programme.
Over the next week, please keep yourself and your loved ones safe and well, and I look forward to connecting again in class this week … The timetable of online Live Pilates classes this week is — as always:
- Monday 12.30pm — 45 minute Facebook Live
- Tuesday 9.30am — 60 minute Zoom
- Thursday 6pm — 45 minute Facebook Live
- Friday 12.30pm — 45 minute Zoom
- Saturday 9.30am — 60 minute Zoom
Links to all these regular online classes — as well as links to all recorded classes, tutorials, special events, and extra classes — are on the
jtp.zone website and the private Facebook Group JTP Zone.