This week — If you are one of my fantastic members — I have a great big favour I’d like to ask of you…
As you know, all my Pilates classes are online currently, due to the Covid-19 crisis. However, I want to improve what I offer you so need to find out what your experience of my online classes has been. Also, as we start to get nearer to the possibility of re-starting physical classes, I would like to know what's best for you after Covid-19.
So, I am looking to ask you all a few questions about what you’d like to see with your Pilates classes both now, and going forward. With this in mind, I have what I call my "super-survey" I’d like you all to participate in, if you don’t mind.
You’ll find the link to my super-survey on the home page of the jtp.zone website, once you’ve logged in.
Thanks to everyone who takes the short time to complete the super-survey. It's very quick to do — there are only four questions so will only take a minute or two to complete — but it is so important to help me adapt the timetable of my Pilates classes going forward to your requirements — in both the short- and the long-term.
In other news, there are two new classes on the jtp.zone website: a new Pop-Up Prop class using the Isotoner Ring, and a new Reformers At Home class.
Also, remember that the week's Live online matwork class timetable is available on the website too.
Absolute Beginners — This Way...
Our jtp.zone website with its online Pilates classes is mainly for experienced Pilates participants. That's great for everyone who has been with Jane Thomas Pilates for some time.
However, I am acutely aware of the fact that lots of people are currently looking to start Pilates as beginners.
The need for beginners Pilates classes is as great now as it ever was — and with lockdown possibly even more so.
Fortunately we have two great ways that beginners can join us for Pilates classes, detailed below...
Brand-new Absolute Beginners Programme
I am planning a brand-new beginners' Pilates experience, to start very soon. It will be a three-week (ie, three weekly Live online Zoom classes), restricted to just a handful of Pilates beginners.
Zoom classes mean that I can check technique and provide corrections and variations to personally suit each of the participants within the class. As a result, this will obviously be a very exclusive way to start your Pilates journey with us. Cost of the Absolute Beginners Programme is £30.
Going forward, following the Programme you would be able to join our general online Pilates classes on the jtp.zone website.
If you are interested in this brand-new Absolute Beginners Programme (or know anyone else who is interested), please reply to this Newsletter (including your mobile number) for details or to book. Classes will run on three consecutive Wednesdays at 9.30am. Once I have sufficient participants I will arrange the start date.
Absolute Beginners Course
If you can't join the Absolute Beginners Programme, remember that we also have our Absolute Beginners Course still available. The Absolute Beginners Course comprises six-classes, complete with videos and a 52-page full-colour book of all the exercises done in the Course, for you to practise at home. You can watch the videos as often as you want, whenever you want — at a time and day to suit you (as long as you have an internet connection). Following the Course, you will be able to join our
online Pilates classes on the jtp.zone website.
If you (or anyone you know) is interested in joining us with the Absolute Beginners Course, just reply to this Newsletter (with your mobile number) for details and to book. Cost of the Absolute Beginners Course is £30.
One way or the other, if you've not done Pilates before I do hope you'll join me for one of the Beginners entry points. Believe me, you won't regret taking up Pilates — it's a great way to exercise, keep fit, and maintain flexibility. I hope to see you in class very soon.
Have a fantastic week everyone — stay safe and healthy!
Jane xxx
Often we concentrate on the lower back as a source of problems and pain within our bodies so likewise, many workouts and routines are focussed on that area of the back.
However, we shouldn't forget about the upper back, as strengthening this area will mean the lower back gets more support. This short routine therefore focusses on the upper back.
Please work at the appropriate level for your body and keep away from pain.
I managed to recharge my batteries this last week, taking some "ME Time" to get away from the feeling that I'm always working. If times had been more normal Keith and me might have taken a few days' holiday in Somewhere-By-The-Sea, but times are very much not normal of course, so our little holiday was just at home.
That's not to say it wasn't a great break. For the most part we were able to leave the computers on the desk in the study, and we spent a lot of time chilling. We watched some box-sets, we caught up with a bit of reading, and we have even had a mini-Glastonbury experience (ongoing over this weekend) — setting up our "tent" in the living room in front of the TV, watching all the delights of past Glasto performances provided by Aunty Beeb over the weekend.
My favourite Glastonbury performance was David Bowie's from 2000. We even have the full unedited performance on DVD, rather than the Beeb's shortened highlights, so we were able to bask in the full almost two hour performance. I feel that he was very much at the absolute peak of his performing ability in 2000, and his ability to hold over a hundred thousand people mesmerised in the palm of his hand was simply breathtaking. That, coupled with the fact that I know every word of every one of
his songs — and sangalong with them too (apologies to the neighbours) — made for a fantastic Friday evening for us.
So yes, my batteries have been recharged, and I'm ready to get back to my Live Pilates classes.
I simply can't recommend enough taking some ME Time for yourself. If you're feeling that things are getting beyond you, or if life feels hard, make sure you take time out for yourself. It doesn't have to be a week, it doesn't have to be a holiday. But it does have to be something you want to do for yourself.
Take some ME Time, and recharge your batteries!
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