Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our Super-Survey, I have had some time to look through the feedback provided by your lovely selves, and I can now give you an idea of what you are all thinking, share some thoughts that you have had, and also provide some assistance and answer some of the questions raised.
Firstly I would just like to say how brilliant and how impressed I am by your dedication, because the results of the Super-Survey tell me that in the main you are overwhelmingly dedicated to your own health and wellbeing, dedicated to keeping your body moving, and dedicated to staying strong.
I understand though, that although lots of you are engaging with the online classes and loving them, some of you aren’t engaging much with the online programme at all. This is for a variety of reasons — from work scheduling and not having time, the Live classes not being at a time that you want, and motivation to do something which doesn’t involve heading out to a venue to do a class.
For those who are feeling like this, I want to share some of the feedback from other members which may help:
- Although I can’t attend the Live classes, I have decided to book my Pilates class into my diary as before. So on Monday night at 7pm when I would have been attending a face-to-face class, I go to the website, I choose a recording of a class and I do that. For me it doesn’t feel any different other than I don’t have to drive to the venue. I know that is when I am doing Pilates every week
- I am joining in the Live classes when I can, but the main thing I love is the access to recorded sessions. In the past when I haven’t been able to attend my regular class I would just do my own thing — but now if I don’t make a Live class I know that I can go to the website (which is really easy to use, by the way) and click on a recording and now I have your guidance of what to do
- I do love to attend a Live class because it has meant I have stayed connected with other people, and I get to be instructed and corrected. However, I am doing more Pilates than before as I do other recorded sessions during the week as and when I want. It has meant that I have not had any problems with my back since lockdown and normally I would be visiting my osteopath
Now, of course, I recognise that the timetable of Live classes hasn’t provided a class at a perfect time for everyone, but that is why I have recorded every session, so that you could continue to do a class at your chosen time. It may not be Live, but that doesn’t mean the Pilates has stopped.
From the Super-Survey results I do know that doing a 7.00am class is a big fat NO though ... so probably a blessing for me, as I am not at my best at that time in the morning 😱 However, if you wanted a session before work, then again I would recommend the recordings, as some of you are doing — many of you five or six mornings a week!
Maintaining connections has been important for many of you through lockdown, both in the Live classes and doing the recordings “it's like you are in the room with me Jane and can hear me shouting “really, one more .... NOOOO” “ ... You are still getting your Pilates class every week, and sometimes more often than that.
Plus we have had coffee and catch ups and this has been a chance to talk, particularly during the time when we couldn’t go anywhere.
Plus the Super-Survey feedback shows that you are feeling stronger as a result of having access to more Pilates, you have a new ability to do things that you couldn’t do before by just attending one class a week, and you recover from any injuries quicker than before.
Feedback from the other things available on the
jtp.zone — the menopause tutorial, for example — shows that they have helped also during these unprecedented times. Talks and sessions like this will continue, as I have always tried to introduce other areas of health and wellbeing into our programme in the past. There is no reason why this won’t continue online.
Lots of you though are missing the physical contact with others. Of course I totally get this — after all, I’ve been teaching group fitness for 27 years, and I miss you too... The Pilates hasn’t stopped though, it's just been different (see Your Whole Self below where I talk about hugs).
The Super-Survey has also shown that people have chosen to return, or start Pilates after not being able to find a class that was suitable for them before lockdown with JTP, but have been able to join the Live sessions and do the recordings now, even from Spain ...! Welcome to you all from the JTP family.
There is overwhelming support for online Pilates classes to continue once face-to-face classes return, as there is a need for it, and a desire for it. So one decision has been made for me and that is: online classes will continue to be part of JTP even when physical classes get safely back up and running.
Lots of things changed when lockdown was announced, but that didn’t mean things had to stop, we just changed our behaviour to suit ... after all I didn’t stop having a cup of coffee just because I couldn’t go to a coffee shop.
And it’s not too late, you can still join in. If you haven’t used your username and password yet for the website it's not too late and it's not complicated. You can join in with classes now — they don’t have to be Live — you can do a class at the same time, on the same day as you always did: just choose a class recording from the list ... there are lots and lots to choose from.
If you aren't already with the JTP family, you can join at any time. Enrolment is £10 a month, and you can get more information by visiting the
jtp.zone, or by replying to this Newsletter (
remember to include your mobile phone number). We have online Pilates beginners courses, as well as our regular online classes if you've done Pilates before.
In Other News
Wendy's Mindful Meditation Free Taster Session — on Friday 31 July at 12.30pm — those of you who have registered will have received an email to confirm (check your Junk/Spam folders if it's not in your Inbox). Your link to join the session will be sent individually in an email this week, if you haven’t seen it before Friday, again check your Junk/Spam folders, and let me know if you can’t find it.
Also, look out for a Hog Pop-Up Prop Class, and a new Reformers at Home session on the
jtp.zone this week.