I have to confess I have been struggling a little this week ... struggling with my mental health. I have had days when I have just not wanted to get out of bed, but hide under the bedclothes. I have had days when even getting into the shower has taken so much energy that I can’t imagine being able to do anything else that day. I have felt anxious about
opening up my laptop and seeing emails, I have felt anxious about reading texts and receiving calls from people asking about classes. I can safely say I have had one of those weeks.
I share this with you not because I want you to send me messages of support and love, because I know how lovely you all are and you will feel you want to do that, and obviously I am grateful for those thoughts and I love you all for that. No, I share this with you because most of you will have seen me turning up and teaching online ... and hopefully, you
won’t have noticed any difference. This may not be strictly true, you may have heard a few garbled instructions, or I may not have joked as much ... but in general I hope I delivered a Pilates class that you were able to understand and participate in.
I share it because none of us really know how people are feeling or what is going on for people behind the eyes, or behind the front door of their life. What we see being presented and what we see being put out there ... unless we know someone really, really well, we take everything at face value. In other words what is right there in front of us. We will
probably make judgements based on what we are presented with, what we see, we make decisions about people all the time don’t we without thinking about what might be happening in their lives.
When we find ourselves in situations or having conversations — remember that what we see or hear may not be the reality of what is happening for others, just bringing more awareness into our own thoughts and behaviour will result in more kindness, more acceptance and more compassion.
...and how glamorous does Traudi look in her Covid-19-Secure and safe PPE visor?
Yes, the sun shone into our Old Woodhouse venue on Friday morning, and Traudi welcomed some of the JTP family back into our very first face-to-face matwork Pilates classes for six whole, long, locked-down months. A success by all measures!
A big thank you to everyone who booked into those classes and trusted JTP to come back safely, and a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Traudi for teaching our very first restarted classes and helping to make it all happen in the first place.
Here’s just some of the feedback from those who attended:
Brilliant class today Traudi, felt very safe with everything that has been done to keep us safe. Thank you Jane and Traudi. Xxx
It was great! Well organised. So nice to be back there. The ‘flagship’ did very well, Thank you
Where Next?
So up next is REMPSTONE VILLAGE HALL — we are hoping to restart three classes there this coming week — on Thursday 24th September and Friday 25th September — and we still have some spaces if you would like to get back to face-to-face matwork classes.
Having communicated with (and doing risk assessments for the two venues in Hathern), I will not be returning to either Hathern venue this year I’m afraid. If you attended any of those classes and you are itching to return to face-to-face classes, then Rempstone Village Hall might be a good option for you.
If you attended any of the Hathern classes prior to lockdown, you were sent a priority email about joining Rempstone classes last week ... check your junk/spam folders if you didn’t see it.
Also, wherever you live, please just reply to this Newsletter if you are interested in coming to Rempstone classes — we can only afford to start classes if they are full and our Rempstone venue can fit in 10 people per class which allows us to meet the required social distancing requirements.
Remember that all jtp.zone online Pilates classes
will continue.
jtp.zone classes are now a permanent feature, and — in fact — can be used for Catchup classes for missed face-to-face matwork group classes.
Talking of which here is next week’s Live class timetable:
- Monday — 8.00AM — Wakeup With Jane — Live in Zoom — 30 minutes
- Monday — 12.30pm — Live in the JTP Zone Facebook Group — 45 minutes
- Tuesday — 9.30am — Live in Zoom — 60 minutes
- Wednesday — 8.00am — Wakeup With Jane — Live in Zoom — 30 minutes
- Friday — 8.00am — Wakeup With Jane — Live in Zoom — 30 minutes
- Friday — 12.30pm — Live in Zoom — 45 minutes
- Saturday — 9.30am — Live in Zoom — 60 mins
Links to all the above classes — as usual — are on the jtp.zone
Remember that all these Live classes will be recorded, and can be found on the jtp.zone, under the Matwork Classes tab.
(Finally — just a reminder that — the Live class links on the jtp.zone only work for the actual day and time of the scheduled Live class.)
On Thursday last week, I woke up with a headache...
It felt like a tension headache, and I realised that I had probably been sleeping with gritted teeth, which had tightened my jaw, my shoulders felt tight and my neck felt stiff.
Then chatting with a friend on Friday we both agreed that we had been struggling with tension in our upper bodies recently, and she had also woken with a tension headache... This got me thinking that probably there are quite a few people out there having similar episodes of this at the moment with everything we are faced with daily. So here is a
wonderful stretch to practise at home to get rid of all the tension and tightness in those crucial areas, enjoy.
With all Exercises Of The Week, keep away from pain, and work at an appropriate level for your body.
Have a great week everyone — keep moving, and keep safe.
Jane xxx
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