It doesn’t matter if it is a big decision, or a small decision, it could be doing some exercise, going out, making a phone call, writing a report, sending an email, asking a question ... all of these start with a thought.
Often if we see things as being difficult the thought about it can be daunting, worrying, making us feel anxious and stressed ... the thought can turn into a very negative response of not actually wanting to do anything, until eventually we can talk ourselves out of doing something.
Recently, I have been having lots of these kind of thoughts, a constant, internal conversation in my head. The thoughts of opening the Studio, the thoughts of restarting face-to-face classes, the thoughts of doing risk assessments, the thoughts of talking to fellow teachers, the thoughts of speaking with class participants, the thoughts of talking to my
insurers ... even the thought of what to have for tea seems to have become a challenge ....
I am working hard to turn these thoughts around. The Mindful Meditation Course with Wendy is definitely helping in trying to welcome the thoughts, and when I find my head filling up with them, taking myself to my space to try and stop the inner chatter.
So here’s my conclusion… If you find yourself getting stuck in your ‘thoughts’ take some time to stop thinking, and get on and do it, it's often never as bad as we think it is going to be.
Have a good week folks, Happy Bank Holiday Monday, stay safe, stay strong and keep moving,
Jane xxxx