and never more so as we find ourselves in a second lockdown, and how we feel and act during this second period will probably be determined by how we experienced the first lockdown.
If we look at our brain, we have two main parts, the Conscious brain — which we use for about 4% of the time — and the Subconscious brain — which we use for 96% of the time.
Our fight, flight or freeze instincts are determined by our subconscious brain, as is most of our life and our actions. For example, you may have experienced or found yourself saying Yes to things, when actually you might not really have wanted to say yes, but your subconscious brain is responding based on a previous similar experience, and the
thoughts, beliefs, and action that was taken before. This is what happens and how our decisions are made, we experience something and this creates a thought, the thought becomes a belief, the belief becomes an action which leads to a result.
We are able to change our subconscious brain though and this can be done by working on the thoughts and the beliefs. So our experiences in first lockdown have set off our thoughts about how the second lockdown is going to be, and our beliefs have been formed. But if we take our thoughts and work on those and change the way we speak about it, we can focus on
the parts of lockdown that were good. Perhaps giving us more time to read, or not rushing around as much, or spending more time outside in the garden, or walking — albeit socially distanced — with a friend.
Work on changing those thoughts: try keeping a lockdown journal, write 3 things down each day that you are grateful for; make little post-its and place them around the house which welcome abundance — something simple such as all the lovely autumnal colours in the trees or your health; get outside and breathe as often as you can; keep away from the
news; repeat the good things that happened in first lockdown.
Change the thoughts, then this will change the belief that lockdown is all bad, our actions will change and the result will feel different … we will move through this lockdown together with a more informed, healthier mindset.