Well, what can I say that hasn’t already been said about 2020?
I started the year with so many plans: my 60th birthday party year; my 20th year in my Pilates studio … so many celebrations that had to change.
I bet when we look back at the year, there will be many of us who had specific goals and events that were scheduled for 2020 — weddings, wedding anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, babies being born — so much that has had to be placed on hold (apart from the babies, that is!).
And as I write this I am listening to the news, with Boris Johnson now announcing that the rules have to change yet again for Christmas.
All I want to say to everyone reading this today is — firstly — a massive thank you for all the love, support and commitment to JTP that you have shown. It is times such as we have been through this year, that we can feel at our most lonely, our most isolated and our most vulnerable. So I hope that by having the regular contact with JTP that this has helped to alleviate those feelings and keep some kind of connection for you all throughout.
Remember we have 5 more days of online classes taking us through to Christmas Eve, but then I will be having a few days rest.
On behalf of the JTP team I want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas, and may the New Year bring us peace, health and happiness.
This is the last Newsletter for 2020 — the next Newsletter is scheduled for 3 January 2021.